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Views : 280
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 20, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-12-22T00:16:36.324537Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Wrong, GMMedic. Washing soda is not a surfactant. Itâs used in DIY concoctions as an alkaline water softener. If you think it dissolves grease, go ahead and dissolve it in hot water. Add oil or bacon grease. Shake. Observe no effect.
Borax is an old fashioned water softener thatâs about 1/10 as soluble as washing soda and not as effective as a water softener. Itâs not a bleach. As used here, itâs redundant.
âOrdinary laundry soapâ is obsolete. Soap hasnât been used for over 70 years to wash laundry. Perhaps you are referring to laundry detergent, in which case, unless you have very hard water, WS and borax arenât needed.
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You don't need to go to all that trouble. Washing soda is to remove greasy dirt, Borax is to soften the water and brighten whites and it makes the soap work better. Then just use ordinary laundry soap and use less of it. Just measure out 1/4 cup of each powder and use whatever amount of soap is recommended.
1 month ago
Like other DIY concoctions, this version cleans as well as plain water. 5 oz of bar soap dissolved in 5 gallons of water makes a 0.8% solution of soapy water. Mainstream detergents are 15%-20% surfactants. The dosage is usually about 1/2 cup/load, in which case, youâre washing with 0.03 oz of soap. Thatâs a little more than half the weight of a paper clip. I use more to wash the few scraggly hairs on my head.
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