Nikolina Stanić (10) and Lena Terzić (11) played a nice point at the Svetosava Tournament in Novi Sad, which went to Lena. Nikolina didn't like that at all :) It's just that she's used to winning that point when she attacks with her forehand, but here Lena defended herself very well and then, when she gained the advantage, she calmly brought the point to an end.
Young players get into the habit of thinking that the point is over as soon as they (in their own estimation) have played a good shot. As they grow, they realize that this is not the case and that the opponent will try to extend the point as long as possible to fight somehow for a chance or for the attacker to make a mistake or to start a counterattack. It is my fault that Nikolina lost this point, but I am aware that it is all part of the process of learning table tennis. That process is long and difficult, and the reward is uncertain, but I'm fighting, so whatever.
Ona mrzi kada izgubi lep poen!
Nikolina Stanić (10) i Lena Terzić (11) su na Svetosavskom Turniru u Novom sadu odigrali jedan lep poen koji je pripao Leni. Nikolini se to uopšte nije svidelo :) Jednostavno ona je navikla kada napada sa forehandom da taj poen i dobije ali ovde se Lena jako lepo odbranila a posle kada je stekla prednost mirno privela poen kraju.
Kod mladih igrača se stekne navika da misle da je poen gotov čim su (po sopstvenoj proceni) odigrali dobar udarac. Kako rastu oni shvataju da to nije slučaj i da će protivnik nastojati da produži poen dokle je god moguće da bi se izborili nekako za šansu ili da napadač pogreši ili da krenu u protiv napad. Meni je krivo što je Nikolina izgubila ovaj poen ali sam svestan da je to sve deo preocesa učenja stonog tenisa. Taj proces je dugačak i težak a nagrada je neizvesna ali mi se borim pa kako bude.
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