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578,746 Views • Jun 15, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
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Uploaded At Jun 15, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

You earned your
“Frog Time” 💕💕

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1 year ago

I have to tell you girl that you're cleaning videos inspired me to want clean my bedroom today, it's been untidy for quite a while.
Not to bring anyone down, but my Mom died last year in November and since then I have been a pile of poo 😣 hard to get me to do much of anything. I'm trying to snap myself out of it, so watching your cleaning videos is helping me, thank you 💕🙋🏼

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1 year ago

I came across your videos last week by accident and ended up bottoming my bedroom and bathroom in the process 😂 I heard you having to respond to all the opinionated idiots about how and why you go about things the way you and do and I just wanted to leave you a quick message to say, you are clearly doing an incredible job and making a huge impact to people's lives at the same time. I cannot begin to explain to you how important it is for people like yourself to show real life genuine day to day instead of the air brushed version that so many are faced with. Thank you for being you and for not compromising that for anythin

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1 year ago

apart from the fact that your videos are totally motivational, your narration is amazing! you've just given me the proper push to tidy up my kitchen 😊😊 thank you and happy lounging in the garden

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1 year ago

I grew up in the southern US, in an old house without air conditioning. My grandmother was a big believer in getting things done early, as you said, to avoid the heat of midday. Closing curtains on the sunny side of the house, not using the oven, and putting a box fan in a window facing outward to pull out some of the stuffy air helped, and it pulled in fresh air through the other open windows. Hang in there! The frog plan sounds perfect.

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1 year ago

We are having similar temperatures here in Fresno California. Our air conditioner was out and just got fixed today. I literally sat in front of the fan as I waited for the repairman. God bless everyone who is working in the outdoors.

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1 year ago

Remi...you're so funny. Love your humour!!

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1 year ago

I can't imagine living in a world without air conditioning. I live in Texas. Last year it got to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius) and it's a humid heat. It's hot from May-October here and that muggy humid heat is so bad. I'm so thankful to have A/C.

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1 year ago

The 94th Reason I Can't Be Bothered Today...😂😂😂😂
You're hilarious! I came for the cleanup content, stayed for your voice-overs

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1 year ago

My favorite is winter and fall I cannot handle the fun at all

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1 year ago

In Australia for many years we didn't have aircon-im old, anyway the trick is to have house open overnight. By 7.30 am close windows and blinds ,curtains. You will notice it is much cooler when you come in from the garden.

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1 year ago

“Lie in it like a frog” 😂😂😂 So relatable. Hoping you have a blessed summ

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1 year ago

Just to say I’m absolutely loving your videos, your honesty and lovely personality shines through !! Keep up the great work you’re doing a sterling job 🌷🌸

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1 year ago

I'm from Australia and just came across your channel. Love the videos and you have helped me with motivation etc. You have such a calming voice and love your personality ❤.

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1 year ago

100% accurate from start to finish. Thank you for the motivation and the chuckle.

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1 year ago

UK has been so boiling!!! Was dripping with sweat cleaning my house this week!!!least my washing dries quickly😂😂😂😂❤❤❤

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1 year ago

I hate hot weather!! This video is lovely!!

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1 year ago

As a native Floridian, I feel your pain, lol. Last week, the heat index in Central Florida hit 117°. We have anywhere from 85% to 100% humidity; there is so much water in the air a body can't cool down; even standing in the shade you will have sweat trickling. The only good thing is most homes have air conditioning. Without proper A/C the heat can quickly become life-threatening for the elderly and babies.

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1 year ago

You're not alone, I find it difficult to do any housework or gardening on hot days. I don't have air conditioning, but my house is solid brick with high ceilings, and it takes about 4 very hot days to warm up. Australia has very hot days in Summer. Little tip if you don't know it, is to close all blinds in the morning, and open up all windows when it cools down. Another, is to use a spray water bottle, to spray-mist onto yourself or into the fan while you relax. It's safe as the water is blown back to you, it doesnt reach the fan. Fastest way to cool down.. I've been doing this for over 40 yrs. Stay cool 😎

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1 year ago

I live in Texas where it’s hot like that constantly all summer… we have AC everywhere! I don’t know how people in the UK stand the hot days🥵

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