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Views : 73,821
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 27, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-02-11T23:35:40.812557Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Battle Iq and Iq should go to Johan because of his copy talent. Jiho plays dirty but thatโs all that it is. Jay knows military martial arts so thatโs kinda tricky but BIQ and IQ still go to Johan in my opinion. Logan Lee has the ability to learn martial arts quickly but not exactly copy them, this is stated by Goo or Gun. Danielโs BIQ and IQ are on the same level as Johan, but U.I Daniel wrecks him for sure. And Eli Jang currently Iโm the series can beat him but not during the club Vivi arc as we saw Johan beat him. Vin Jin is the one Iโm most uncertain about because they are pretty much on the same tier so I donโt know who would win.
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We still haven't seen much of Johan, last time we've seen him properly fight was at 3rd Affiliate arc (he was blind st summit meeting, and him vs Deaseong doesn't count). People like Eli, and Vin Jin has improved by a ton since then, that's why I made them the winners. I'll only change my mind when I see more of Johan (which I'm hoping to see in the current arc).
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2 years ago
eyesight: ๐จโ
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