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Toma Caragiu - Incongruenta Fenomenologica #shorts #umor #tomacaragiu English subtitles
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17 Views • Jan 6, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Unul dintre cei mai mari actori români, Toma Caragiu, discutând cu umor despre critica de artă care folosește termeni greu de înțeles. Am colorat versiunea originală care era alb-negru, un umil omagiu adus acestui mare artist.
Toma Caragiu a fost un actor român de origine aromână, cu activitate bogată în radio, teatru, televiziune și film. A interpretat cu precădere roluri de comedie, dar a jucat și în drame, unul dintre filmele sale de referință fiind Actorul și sălbaticii (1975). A murit în București, în timpul cutremurului devastator de la 4 martie 1977.
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#color #colorizedmovies #remastered

One of the greatest Romanian actors, Toma Caragiu, humorously discusses art criticism that uses hard-to-understand terms. I colorized the original version which was black and white, a humble tribute to this great artist. Toma Caragiu was a Romanian actor of Aromanian origin, with a rich activity in radio, theater, television, and film. He mainly played comedy roles but also starred in dramas, one of his reference films being The Actor and the Savages (1975). He died in Bucharest, during the devastating earthquake of March 4, 1977.
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#subtitled #englishsubs

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Views : 17
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 6, 2024 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/2 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-01-06T21:59:41.536365Z
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