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Views : 46
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 19, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-08-19T20:55:57.769886Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I love your Youtubes the best. I have learned so many tin whislte versions from listening to your channel. And I yes Lucid Dreaming is very real. And a skill that can be developed with practice, journalling, pateince and persistence. Many great books have been written about it. There is nothing like awaking in a dream. And dream music will uplifth and inspire.
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I developed lucid dreaming as a child as a way to escape from sleep paralysis, a sleep disorder I have. So to some extent I sometimes fall back into sleep and lucidity instead of fighting to wake up. I do some reality checks, a little jump to see if I xan fliat, check any electronic device or the symmetry in my hands, then on if I realize I dream, I shape it to my will and fly
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I'm reading a book about lucid dreaming and astral travel, and at the end the author talks about sleep paralysis... but I didn't read this chapter yet. It does seem that there is a link with sleep paralysis, and that lucid dreams or astral travel can solve this problem. It must have something to do with the fact that normally in REM sleep, the brain blocks the body's movements. When waking up, the brain is still partly in REM sleep for a while.
Personally, I sometimes get paralyzed in a dream, but I wake up suddenly and my body is not paralyzed. Besides, I must not be wired normally: when I fight in a dream, I fight in reality (my ex-girlfriend suffered this!), or when I laugh, I laugh in real life and it wakes me up (that's more fun... for girls :-D ).
6 months ago
It happens to me a lot and it’s very cool!
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