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Video id : N9R0bseX5qI
ImmersiveAmbientModecolor: #cb6649 (color 2)
Video Format : (720p) openh264 ( https://github.com/cisco/openh264) mp4a.40.2 | 44100Hz
Audio Format: 140 ( High )
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Mystery text : TjlSMGJzZVg1cUkgaSAgbG92ICB1IGV1LXByb3h5LnBva2V0dWJlLmZ1bg==
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Masak sarden kaleng Ide masak sahur untuk anak kost kostan
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107 Views • May 2, 2020 • Click to toggle off description
Ide utk buka puasa ala anak kost 😌 bisa buat makan 2 org. Total paling habis 17.000 + nasi buat 2 orang 🤪

Bahan :
sarden 1 kaleng kecil merek abc hanya 8.500
bawang merah 5 siung
bawang putih 5 siung
minyak 1 1/2 sdm
(Kalo ada bawang bombay, tomat, cabe rawit, lbh mantap lagi yaa) cuman yaaa anak kost mah masak yg ad aja dehh.... belom belanja lagi abisnya.. Proses:
panasin minyak
tumis bawang2an sampai layu dan wangi
bagi yg belom terbiasa, matiin apinya dlu ya supaya gak kena cipratan
masukin sarden kalengnya
tambahin garam sejumput aja / kalo mau manis kasih gula sedikit. Mau jadiin kuah, tambahin air sedikit.
ongseng2 3-5mnt di api kecil
siap santap

Selamat menikmati yaa sohib2 ku anak kost dmn pun anda berada.

#masakanakkost #masakanrumahan #idebukapuasa #masakmasak #masaksimple #masaksarden #masaksardenpedas #masaksardenkaleng #masakalaanakkost #masakalaanakkost #masakhemat #masakekonomis #doyanmakan #jajansehat
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 107
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 2, 2020 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 5 (0/3 LTDR)

100.00% of the users lieked the video!!
0.00% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-10-06T23:23:54.338236Z
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Nyo connections found on the description ;_; report an issue lol


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