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Genre: Science & Technology
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Uploaded At Sep 28, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Схема показывает на верхнем светодиоде, что подаётся больше 9,5 В😂😂😂 так это у любой ИСПРАВНОЙ батареи. Бесполезная схема.
Её можно заменить всю одним стабилитроном на 8 В, а сверху 3 светодиода красных, с уровнями >9,5 В, >11 В, и >12,5 В. Для индикации степени заряда. Можно и четвёртый >14 В, но он будет показывать это только, когда батарея стоит внутри зарядного устройства на stand by. 2024-10
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Well, I just built this with CRUMB on Steam, it works as designed. The problem I found was at 9.1v, the yellow LED starts to glow and was fully lit at 11v so I added a green LED (making 5 LEDs total), wired as the rest BUT no resistor, just a direct ground wire and the green LED starts to glow at 11.5v and fully lit at 12v.
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Saludos. Este circuito está genial.
Funciona como un medidor de voltaje es similar a un VU meter, que sirve para medir el volumen de una salida de audio en escala lumínica. Si el voltaje es bajo se ilumina el led rojo, a medida que el voltaje aumenta se incrementa la iluminación del led rojo y comienza a iluminar el siguiente y así sucesivamente hasta llegar a 12 volt en donde se iluminará el Led amarillo. Maravilloso.
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3 months ago
So guys, to set things straight: This is nothing but a somewhat convoluted voltage divider. The level indicator hinges on the fact that an LED needs a certain minimum voltage to light up. As the voltage of the battery decreases, the upper LEDs won't light up anymore, because they are getting a smaller fraction of the total voltage.
However: This is not a very reliable way to measure the battery status for two reasons. 1) The voltage of the battery does not decrease linearly over the full range of its capacity. You have to look at the discharge curve of a given battery and set your thresholds accordingly. 2) The LED voltage drop depends on the color. Red LEDs drop around 1V while blue ones can go up to 2V. So you have to design the LEDs and resistors accordingly.
This circuit is a nice demonstration you could test on an adjustable power supply, but is way too inaccurate and difficult to design for any real-life application.
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