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Top Comments of this video!! :3
He is right. The minimum age of marriage in Christianity and Judaism is 7 or even 3 years. There is no bible verse, sometimes Ezekiel is used to show that the puberty is a minimum age.
(sanhedrin 69b).
"After establishing that a boy as young as eight could father a child, the Talmud entertains the possibility that a girl as young as six years of age could give birth to a child."
"R. Jeremiah of Difti said: We also learnt the following: A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage.."
Sanhedrin 69b ~ The Youngest Mother in the World
"Batsheva gave birth when aged six"
Thomas Aquinas allowed betrothals to occur as early as age 7, and sometimes even earlier:
“…the age of seven years is fixed reasonably enough by law"
John Calvin, who insisted that (emphasis ours):
“[a] child needed to be both physically and morally mature enough to enter marriage… At minimum, the child needed to reach puberty…”
Calvin (emphasis ours):
“[i]t has always been judged, and properly so, that marriage is not legitimate except between those who have reached puberty.”
And since the bible is silent, the oral and written tradition is the decision maker. Jesus also said to do what the pharisees say, they sit on Moses seat.
The book of Jasher quoted by the bible (IN 2 Samuel 1:18 and J oshua 10:13) also says rebecca was 10 years old.
JASHER 24 38 And Eliezer related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham's servant, and they greatly rejoiced at him.
39 And they all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and they gave him Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel, for a wife for Isaac.
40 And the young woman was of very comely appearance, she was a virgin, and Rebecca was ten years old in those days
Rashi and Rabbi Tobiah Ben Eliezer
There are so many more sources actually...
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1 year ago
Well, maturity in biology is when you have your first menstrual cycle as a female.
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