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Views : 5,224
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 20, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.20- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-08-22T01:43:24.819909Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
From what I've learned from my years on piano:
The reason it is called Cb is because the scale or key this song is in is E♭ minor.
For a scale to be a scale it needs to have all 7 notes "base notes" for example the key of C has: C, D, E, F, G, A, B and then repeated agian starting on C. Note that you can't have repeating base notes on a scale.
A minor scale (and all scales) is built on Whole steps and Half steps, Whole step being 2 nots Apart (ex C to D is a whole step because you start on C then C# is 1 step, then D with is another step.) Then a half step is 1 note apart (ex Eb to E is a half step for reason above)
Using the pattern for a minor scale witch is W, H, W, W, H, W, W, you can cerate any minor scale. There's a problem with some scales when you do this, the rule of "All base notes" still applies.
So if you start on E♭ and use the pattern and you get to B♭, the pattern called for a half step to B. Because you need all 7 base notes and can't repeat base notes (ex B♭ to B has the same base note), it's written as C♭.
So all of that gets us the Eb minor scale E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭, C♭, and D♭
Thank you for your time 🙂↕
3 months ago
For those that don't know, a flat is Usually the key to your left that usually winds up being a black key. But C doesn't have a "flat" behind it is just B, but B makes a distinct enough sound to be considered a flat, especially when paired with those chords.
(If I got it wrong, please correct me)
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