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1st Box or Position for Am & C major Pentatonic Scale #shorts
 High Quality Audio
950 Views • Nov 2, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
#shorts #pentatonicscales #guitarlessons
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Thank you!
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 950
Genre: Music
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 2, 2021 ^^

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Rating : 4.795 (2/37 LTDR)

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User score: 92.31- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-01-20T06:21:31.745962Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


8 months ago

The Box. But sometimes you need to think outside the box.

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3 years ago

1st minor pentatonic position

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2 years ago

can you be like alip ba ta

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3 years ago

6th shape is what it’s called because it’s based off the 6th degree of the C major scale. It’s the first shape/pattern people typically learn so maybe that’s where he got the “first” name.



3 years ago

5th position, because the 1 finger is behind the 5th fret.

1 |


3 years ago

Wouldn’t that depend on the key you are playing in? I get why he called it the first position, because it’s in the key of A. If I played that shape in the key of G the root on the first string would be on the 3rd fret. Same shape so I might refer to that as “Position 1” in the key of G. For most of us, it’s the first pentatonic shape we learn.


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