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I Quit Watching The News (2-Month Update) #Shorts
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3,949 Views • Nov 7, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
I quit watching the news 2 months ago. Many of you asked to share an update, so here it is!
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Views : 3,949
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 7, 2022 ^^

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Rating : 4.926 (5/267 LTDR)

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RYD date created : 2023-11-03T18:27:54.621986Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

It's been 10 years. I missed a few things but everything relevant works out in the end anyway and the happiness is worth it.

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2 years ago

Peter! I’m thrilled for you! I’m one who stopped watching in 2016. Yes, I know that if it’s something I need to know, I’ll get plenty of texts from my friends. If the news was like it was long ago, it wouldn’t be an issue. Stopping watching the news was one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I want to enjoy this beautiful world and life. Send you light, love and peace💕🍁🍁Love your channe

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1 year ago

There is so much sadness in The News. It can really make you feel down. Reading about people dying, getting sick, war, so many things, Mads shootings. Dosnt mean i dont care, because I do. It wont make a diffrence wether i hear about it or not.

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2 years ago

Your voice is so soothing 💗💗

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1 year ago

I stopped watching the news because it gave me such terrible anxiety and now I’m so much more chill



2 years ago

Me too. What I don’t know can’t hurt me ❤

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1 year ago

I stopped watching the news many years ago. So many positive benefits especially not allowing myself to allow the media to fill me with fear daily. The downside is the lack of current affairs knowledge so some probably think I lack intelligence. I now actually want to know what is going on in the world so starting to read newspapers but just once a week or less.

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1 year ago

I abandoned News and social media years ago (except YouTube) and haven‘t looked back. With all the toxicity on Twitter and the mind numbing attention grabbing on TikTok, I think it was a good choice



1 year ago

Dropped actively following the news maybe 5 years ago along with my Facebook account. 2 years after that dropped IG. Life feels more flowy 😌



2 years ago

I agree,though I do believe we still need to try and be aware of situations overall,and continue to do our best as humans. Go vote America!

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1 year ago

Lifelong news junkie, here. Literally, since I was a small child. That's why I think, maybe, it has a comforting effect on me, though it also keeps me awake, worrying, at night. lol



2 years ago

I gave up on the news in 2020. I sometimes find Inter articles and YouTube videos but if I need to know something I generally find it out. I also gave up Social Media.



2 years ago

Very encourging. I believe it.



1 year ago

I only focus on weather forecast for weather only



1 year ago

I know this is a late comment but if you see this... Could I ask for some tips to just... Stop? With my own... I guess identity Id say, it's hard to not look at the news and political commentators online to see what people think of me. How did you make yourself at peace/comfortable enough to be able to just not check the news all the time and live life? I hope you are still living peacefully!
A new subscriber ❤



2 years ago

Since I live in the USA and many politicians are trying to establish a theocracy, I have no choice but to continue enduring the news. 😩



2 years ago

Great, congrats



1 year ago

If it’s THAT important, someone will let you know. I didn’t watch anything for years.



2 years ago

Great to hear it's working out so well for you!
Sometimes when I visit my brother, I see De Volkskrant and its magazines. Save for a few exceptions, I wonder why people bother and how much fluff it contains 🤷‍♂️
Then VPRO-gids made me feel like a lecture of how "maatschappelijk betrokken" I'm supposed to be 😂
Watching ANY Steven Seagal movie is a better way to spend tim



2 years ago

It’s been 2.5 years for me


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