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Views : 142,502
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 19, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.981 (25/5,175 LTDR)
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User score: 99.28- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-12-29T18:39:32.864298Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Something like that also happened to me, I was dock fishing a lake and casted off my walking bait, then 5 minutes later I tied on a swimbait and casted it out and I felt something was off, so I slowly reeled in the bait and I had hooked on to my old walking bait! It was honestly a 1 in a million.
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The other night I lost a frog on a cast I thought my line had broke. Turns out it came untied. Anyhow, I went to my mom's all bummed out this was Thanksgiving night. Then on my way home I decided to stop in that same spot and sure enough my frog was floating close enough to the edge for me to reach out and grab it😂❤❤ got my frog back by the way it was brand new. It was my first time trying it out. I had just set up my first bait caster so I was out there. Just playing with it. Not really fishing but what. Good luck! Almost better than catching a fis
One time I went to cabelas and got a 50 dollar swim bait so I went to my spot its secluded off of a walking trail so not many people go there. I only casted it probably 3 or 4 times until i got snagged and lost it. The next day i went back to the same spot and the lure was just sitting next to the dock, I lost my damn mind. What are the odds??? (I lost it again that same day) 😭
3 months ago
So you did nothing my boy 👏
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