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Special Pleading Fallacy #shorts​
 60 FPS video
93,402 Views • Mar 21, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
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#shorts #fallacies #argument #rationalityrules #atheism #education

A portrait video on the YouTubez? Indeed! Whilst some of you will have had this video suggested as per normal, others (perhaps most) will have had it suggested through Shorts.

Shorts are a relatively new feature on YouTube, mirroring the success of other apps. I thought, what a great opportunity to both educate and entertain people by popularizing fallacies!
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 93,402
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 21, 2021 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.863 (216/6,079 LTDR)

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User score: 94.85- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-04-09T05:58:09.780809Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

And the one we typically hear:
Theist: " How can something come from nothing?"
Atheist: " Where did your God come from?"
Theist: " He created himself"

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3 years ago

Rule: You shouldn't delete and reupload YouTube videos.

Exception: Unless, of course, you originally uploaded it in the wrong format!

So, to avoid the Special Pleading, let's change the rule to: You shouldn't reupload YouTube videos that are working as intended.

Though this rules still has issues :P One of the great things about identifying Special Pleading fallacies is that is encourages us to better define our rules.

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3 years ago

The apologetic defense that “God is Holy” is an example of this.

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2 years ago

As a taxi driver once told a sad alcoholic middle aged comedian who dared to challenge his prejudices , “ yea , well , you can prove anything with facts can’t yer. “

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3 years ago

Remember Apologists, "how else could it be?" isn't adequate justification

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1 year ago

If a farm animal dies quickly and cleanly before becoming food on the table, I'm not special pleading.

I'm against the unnecessary suffering of animals, not against killing animals.

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3 years ago

"destroying them with facts and logic" *explosion

That one got me

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2 years ago

If the special pleading fallacy applies to eating animals, then it must also apply to anything that can be eaten.

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3 years ago

Haha Love the "to get you commenting for the sweet sweet algorithm"

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3 years ago

Could you do no true Scotsman next please!

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3 years ago

Teaching children that Yahweh loves them and died for them
at the same time that he gifted them with Original Sin and the Free Will
that condemns them to eternal suffering is the strategy of religious indoctrination.
Emphasizing a god's love and self sacrifice for the child while ignoring the dirty tricks
is special pleading for a brutal dictator.

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3 years ago

It's wrong to hurt animals but I'll still eat them.

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3 years ago

Thou shalt not (X)... unless you (X) for the glory of God.

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1 year ago

I love animals, except when im hungry...

...and Ill do it again 😂

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1 year ago

I don't need special pleading to eat meat, I just do, yummy 😋

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3 years ago

"Its wrong to hurt animals" is a false premise. Boom facts and logics

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3 years ago

Got a specific fallacy you'd like me to present? Let me know by stating it in the comments below for others to up-vote :)

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3 years ago

Plants feel pain too, that smell when you cut the grass? The grass is releasing chemicals to try to save itself.

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1 year ago

It's wrong to "cause unnecessary suffering" to animals. Fits in my life

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3 years ago

You really deserve more subs. Love your content.
Here's a bunch of fallacies I think would be a good addition:
Personal incredulity
Appeal to nature
Tu quoque
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to consequences
Petitio principi

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