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How Bad Wording Ruins The Eye of Timaeus
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400,427 Views ā€¢ May 17, 2024 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
The Eye of Timaeus is an early era dark magician support card, which allows you to send a dark magician monster you control to the GY, in order to SS a fusion monster that lists it as a material to the field.
The idea behind this card is that it would work with Dark Magician AND Dark Magician Girl to allow them to go into their dragon fusions (Dark Magician the Dragon Knight)(Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight), and would be really good in modern DM decks to let them go into Dark Dragoon(Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon) and even The Dark Magicians. However, no modern DM decks play this card, and its not because they don't use fusions, because they absolutely do use them.

Editing by @ParfaitOperationalGuidebook
#yugioh #shorts

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Views : 400,427
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 17, 2024 ^^

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RYD date created : 2025-02-21T13:03:35.383058Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


9 months ago

Out of all the "you must be a lawyer to understand this" technicalities this has to be one of the dumbest

3.2K |


9 months ago

As an actual lawyer I will admit the ruling still doesnā€™t make sense to me as the word monster is outside the quotes. Iā€™d challenge this on appeal

3.2K |


9 months ago

I mean this in the nicest way possible:
That's the most assinine reasoning I've ever seen for a technicality

1.3K |


9 months ago

This is one of the card you have to study in order to pass card rulings course in your third year on duel academy

795 |


9 months ago

As much as I love YuGiOh... especially as a Dark Magician player, this is a glaring example of exactly why people hate YuGiOh

843 |


9 months ago

This is a great example of Yugioh being needlessly confusing. By any common sense interpretation, this card should ABSOLUTELY work as intended

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9 months ago

The really funny thing is that the cleanest way to fix this without changing the cards function would be to change the wording on The Eye of Timaeus to "Target one "Dark Magician" or "Dark Magician" monster you control".

328 |


9 months ago

Konami should Errata it To say ā€œdark magicianā€ or ā€œdark magicianā€ monster.

474 |


9 months ago

This is so stupid that it literally hurts...

115 |


9 months ago

Imagine going to court and youā€™re charged with public indecency for using a public restroom. This is what the locals ruling brainrot sounds like every time Iā€™m there

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9 months ago

This cardā€™s effect makes a fine amount of sense. It affects any card in the ā€œdark magicianā€ archetype, consisting of dark magician, dark magician girl, skilled dark magician, dark magician of chaos, dark magician knight, dark magician the dragon knight, dark magician girl the dragon knight, and the dark magicians. Itā€™s just that the first two are the only ones with targets for the eye of timaeus to summon from.

The issue i have with them is that all the support cards should be searching cards that mention a ā€œdark magicianā€ monster, instead of only searching cards that name the vanilla specifically. Either that, or have more of the support cards actually be a part of the archetype.

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6 months ago

That sounds like something a kid at school would make up because he was about to loose

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9 months ago

This is what erratas should be for, to fix cards like this. All it would take is a simple reprint and ruling change for this to be one of the best Dark Magician cards out there.

100 |


9 months ago

my favorite thing in following yours and some other ygo channels it that whatever interest I might have had in learning the game instantly fizzles just from hearing rules explanations, so it saves me a lot of money

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7 months ago

"That is the dumbest technicality and I'm elected to ignore it."

13 |


9 months ago

It is insane how this game exists and I am amazed that they at all managed to make versions of it for pc and co.

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9 months ago

When Iā€™m playing casually with my friends we ignore this ruling.
ā€œWe recognize that the council has made a decision, but given that itā€™s a stupid ass decision weā€™ve elected to ignore itā€

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8 months ago

As a lawyer, id argue that "dark magician" being in quotes and "monster" not being in quotes negates the technicality. I'd challenge this in appeal.

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9 months ago

this is actually a ruling that dates back before Timaeus.

Rainbow Neos has a similar issue, it's fusion material in the OCG lists "Ultimate Crystal God" monster as material so you can't use the fusion substitutes because it doesn't specify 1 particular card. this caused confusion for players in the TCG because the wording used specified Rainbow Dragon or Rainbow Dark Dragon and even though it specified those names you could not use other means to cheat them out or substitute for them because of its TCG wording, this is why both Rainbow Dragon and Rainbow Dark Dragon had a new text that added the "This card is always treated as an Ultimate Crystal monster" clause in them to remedy this for the TCG.

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8 months ago

When I played: "Patrician of Darkness doesn't mean I attack my own lifepoints!"

Now: "This card was printed with a little smudge over the word "Fascimile", making it unable to pull any card that doesn't fit the Smudge Luster Prixinem clause exception from 2019's rule change."

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