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Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 30, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is so interesting not only because of what was stolen, but her strategy in trial! It isn't a creation of hers, but rather a concept present in the religious and judiciary ideas from the time, in which certain groups would be considered incapable of responding and being held accountable for their crimes, similarly to children. So, in turn, many people within those groups would use this ideas in their favour, like in this case or even in the Inquisition trials. Two of these groups were the women and the very poor – the “rustic”, as said by the portuguese historian Antonio Hespaña, who studies and explores this subject in his book Imbecilitas. Thats possibly why Catherine specified being a poor country woman girl :)
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Well, that’s how they treated poor people and women, especially - like children incapable of making their own decisions or holding land and property without a man overseeing their finances. It’s incredibly smart to use the classist, misogynistic idealogy to her defense in court. It is also very true that she was oppressed and not capable of attaining such on her own, as she was not allowed by society.
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10 months ago
Your honour, my client is just a poor babygirl :(
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