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Views : 821
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 7, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2022-12-08T13:33:39.547127Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Watch your channel all the time it’s great 👌
I’m at the end of the 101 on the Sunshine Coast ⛵️👍
Retired Marine Engineer.
Stockton Rush had a house up the coast in a place called Bliss landing (American Billionaires love it) and I saw the Ocean Gate sub being assembled and tested here in Lund BC about 201
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Sal, just out of curiosity; what type of compensation do you receive to go do these speaking engagements?
Also, how do these opportunities arise? Do these organizations just contact you directly or do you have someone actively seeking out speaking engagements for you?
If I’m asking questions that you prefer not to answer, no worries just ignore it. ✌🏻
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41:35 Sure that’s not some real politic wanting to make sure that the boot gets put so that the sun is well and truly setting on empire?
1 year ago
I’m a trucker I used to pull containers out of Savannah. I been listening to Sal here and he is absolutely informative and entertaining. Keep up the great work Sir!👍
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