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Uploaded At Sep 10, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I heard Dr Ann on the radio today talking about cows, being inseminated ... while being milked. I nearly drove off the road.
It made me think of the commenters who remonstrate about Dr Ann's alleged "childish" talking style (to make it acceptable for YT and YA audiences), and what can happen when she's not so constrained.
She is as fabulous on radio as she is on tv and YT, it's just different strokes for different folks ;)
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I’m from the US. When I was staying with a family in St. Petersburg, Russia, the mother in the household not only wasn’t afraid of the spider that had made a web in the corner of the window, but she also said they wouldn’t think of removing it. She told me that they considered spiders to be good luck. However, I don’t know whether she was saying that that was generally a Russian tradition or she was just talking about her family. In any case, I was glad she was kind to the spider.
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Fun thing: A less known English word for spider is "attercop" with "atter" meaning "poison/venom", and "cop" meaning "head". Earlier forms are found in Old English, meaning they understood that spiders poison their prey; which I don't think is that obvious if you're just watching them catch bugs in webs. There's also Old English charms/recipes for treating spider bites, which seems odd. It's possible it was meant for allergic reactions; though, while seemingly unlikely, it's also not an impossibility that more deadly spiders may have existed, but disappeared by, say, early medieval times. To my understanding, spiders very, very rarely get preserved
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The only dangerous spiders that are normally found in Canada are Widow spiders ( and they’re only in certain areas and are rare). Some others can come in on food shipments, but that’s about it.
So yeah, I have absolutely no fear of spiders… In Canada. In Australia I would be double-checking my boots like crazy.
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As a Brit my take on arachnophobia in Europe is that we don't really have a lot of spiders, especially of any size, or see them frequently. At this time of the year they come into the house looking for a mate & suddenly something you at first think must be a small mouse is running across the floor towards you (why do they always run at us?!) & out startle response is triggered big time! Although I will also point out that really there's only the False Widow spider that's really known for biting & causing a reaction, although obviously not poisonous. When you're abroad & spiders are everywhere, you quickly adjust to that, desensitizing to them in the same way you do with flies. Which takes me on to the palaver wasps buzzing around a British picnic cause....so it's not just spiders we are ill adjusted with, but stinging insects too 😂
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5 months ago
Carjackings in New York are less scary than this.
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