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As Yahweh became God, other gods became angels
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4,482 Views • Jan 7, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
In this short, John Hamer of Centre Place summarizes how as ancient Israelites developed monotheism out of a pantheon of many gods, Yahweh became the only God, while lesser divinities were increasingly understood as angels. We delve into the details in our lecture "What Are Angels."
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Views : 4,482
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 7, 2024 ^^

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User score: 98.19- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

“Their original mythology…” When will people understand all religions are mythology? Not something to die for, fight wars for, suffer for, discriminate against others for, base laws on… If it prompts you to be kind, giving and accepting it can be a force for good though. Sadly, historically that is often not the case. 😢

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1 year ago

So, they basically were making it all up as they went along...gotcha. Sounds a lot like Star Trek from the 60s compared to today, although I would argue they were far more consistent in Star Trek...;)

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1 year ago

That shirt is fly.

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1 year ago

mmm, then why is YHWH described as being "unchanging?"

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1 week ago

Hello, what video is this from?



1 year ago

Wow . Thx for this info

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1 year ago

Any other texts that describe YHWH? I’ve been seeing a version of this theory floating around around again but seems very speculative



1 month ago

Yahweh and Ball were both storm gods, baal was the storm god of the sea the Sashu ppl is where the earliest mention of the both through archeology

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1 year ago

He started out as the ancient Egyptian Saturnian god HUHY, but their Hebrew imitators read it backwards as "Yehuh", and to the Egyptians, He was the "ALL Father" just as Saturn/ Kronos was also the Father of ALL of the other Gods ...that's my "guess" as to why: Also, perhaps without time, it may be impossible to really experience much of anything, if you think about it ...

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2 months ago

This is a cool theory but doesn’t line up with the theology of early Yahwhism. YHWH has always been a monotheistic deity to Yahwhists, it’s why He’s unique and even mocked in ancient times when Israel was doing cultural merging with other nations. There wasn’t a denial of other divine / spiritual beings (angels, demons or whatever you’d like to call them), just that they were on the same rank as Yah. I think you’re getting a bit confused with the henotheistic approach some early worshippers had during the thing with the Canaanites, the mindset of “sure, other gods COULD exist, but YHWH is the coolest bestest God”. Overall, good video, but I’ll have to disagree.

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1 year ago

What is a " god "?

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1 year ago

How do you have a nondogmatic organization called a church (rhetorical?) The Creator has produced a miracle in the way the Bible was written by several authors in several languages from several places, as you know, and they all form a cohesive dictation from the Creator. The Bible includes many dogmas that are from the Creator... like Christ is Lord, He is the way, the truth, and the life, no one gets to the Father (of the triune God) but by Him. Is that not a dogma for you and your organization?

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1 year ago

And that transition happened in about which century. Before or after the exile?



1 year ago

Let's take yhwh all the way back. He didn't just defeat the other gods, he also consumed them and absorbed their divine attributes. For example, when he absorbed Ashera, he picked up his feminine qualities. Ashera was his wife at one time.
I like you. Do you preach? I would travel to hear you talk live. Toronto isn't that far.



1 year ago

Those born again FROM Above Spirits with the Mind of Christ are the only True Prophets. Jesus says "Judge not according to the appearance." And by simply never mentioning Adam,Eve and Eden He denied the validity of that profane old wives tale. And He denied the reality of a physical, visible, matter- strewn earth by its fate of passing away, as did the other true prophets. This verifies that the Real HeavenEarth are without form and void, that is pure and free of corruptible, perishable matter. The "New Heaven'n Earth" are That which has Always been and will no longer appear to exist vas separate states , for the eternal cannot be "re-created". We speak the Truth in Love!☀️☀️☀️💜💜



10 months ago

Sadly how we leave Noah out of the equation smh... The Jews didn't have this much difficult trying to uphold their identity. If you want to say that idolatry played a part in their sinfulness then fine but half of this archaeology is expression free from theology and presented as mythology. Nothing more than "words" that people deny (scripture) anyway but are engaged through its archaeology. Big bait and switch



1 year ago

This place 🤦🏻‍♂️ there has always been something never nothing. Keep pushing that benchmark back to the unknown PS. Creation has been explained and it’s not a being that made everything in seven day



1 month ago

Demoted from divinity 🤣🤣🤣 true tho



1 year ago

The God of Plagues was Seth, so that is one of the Jew Gods


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