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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 330
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 9, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.935 (1/61 LTDR)
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User score: 97.58- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-02-09T23:49:05.122528Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I was just leveling up my fox-form a moment ago!
Tiamat keeps calling me 'little fox' but I don't feel so little after I 'what I felt' bulking up my anthro fox
form. What can I say? I'm being of light born from shadows! I don't feel so hot about Year of the
Dragon though. What was happening to Toys
for Bob is making things look bad for dear Spyro!
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Haha.. I fell asleep 7AM this morning.. Felt so restless last few days. This moonphase feels very transformative..
My sould was restless. So I wanted to go out partying tonight but my sleep issues made it so I was too exhausted tonight.. 🙃 I guess I have to just follow the flow and trust the process..
9 months ago
Your messages always come to me at the very moment I need them, or I have asked the question out loud to spirit. And the dragon meditation was AMAZING I cried. Thank you for all you do ❤
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