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405 Views • Jul 27, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
Weight comparison for Tubliss vs. SRT Mousse with the same wheel and tire for a YZ250FX.

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Views : 405
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 27, 2022 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

Bibs are heavy that is for sure but they have there advantages. I been running tubliss in my rear tire and moose in my front. I feel like it is the best of both worlds as I can change rear pressure at will for traction and just slam the front end through what ever rocks and square edges I see. So far so good.

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2 years ago

Very helpful, thanks for posting!



2 years ago

For racing and riding where you aren't too far away from your truck, the tubeless is better. However, if you are loading up and driving several hours to ride in the middle of nowhere, the mousses are the way to go. I have gotten a few flats on the tubeliss and none on the mousse. Once you get some experience with the mousse's you can get what ever tire pressure you want by drilling them or stuffing in extra mousse from worn out mousse's. I use the Michelin's and can get 1 an1/2 years out of them by stuffing them once they start wearing out. When riding with people with Tubeliss they are always messing with their pressure, where with a mousse, what you have is what you have, so just ride it.



2 years ago

I think I'm going to leave tubliss in my Beta for play riding and hard Enduro, but I had to go back to tubes on my 250fx for XC racing. Between my wife and I, we have 4 tires that can't be fixed to hold air with tubliss. So for now I'm back on UHD tubes until those tires are worn through at least.



2 years ago

Prefer mousse, still got to take patches and co2 canisters with tubliss, once factor weight in for that plus the inconvenience of when you get a flat, especially miles from the trail head, mousse nets out in the end. I personally know of multiple friends who abandoned tubliss altogether for this reason.



10 months ago

I just cut off the rear tire to remove a nasty mousse insert. Set up tubliss after cleaning the nasty grim from the mousse.



2 years ago

I run HD tubes at 10-12 psi. No issue with flats or traction here in NE Ohio, plenty of gnarly rock, roots, slick clay. I know why guys run bibs and tubliss but it's definitely added cost and complexity not to mention added weight



2 years ago

Do you like the tubliss better or how do they compare?

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2 years ago

Apples to apples... take the sprockets and rotors off. One sprocket is definitely healthier looking. Are they the same tire, not a sticky and a nonsticky or a rc at81.



2 years ago

I spy a rekluse cover? 🧐. How that working out



2 years ago

What about longevity? How many hours do you get out of each?



2 years ago

Always mousse for racing. Tubliss was too unreliable.


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