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The question is, when will Congress live up to their responsibility under the Constitution to declare war? Hasn't happened since WW2. Until then, only the military will be committed to combat. The general public will not commit to the threat. Leaders lead. Our government is more concerned about getting reelected than leading the nation.
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A little difference. XI will initiate when he is ready. We seem a little 'one day' about this because our justification and chinese justification for war differs significant. Chinese just war theory and western just war theory is completely different.
our western moral justification for war is largy based moralistic values heavily influenced by traditional judeo Christian values applied to war in a measured manner and is based on a reasonable concecus in our society and support from the average person along with the governments decision to go is what gives us the green light.
Chinese just war theory and how their culture prepairs for war, and what justification is needed for China to engage in a war is vastly different from our.
It seems very obvious to me that this has not been considered by planners of strategic or defencive responses as i have seen no language addressing this ever since we mention a 'maybe + hopefully not' when speaking about this.
Chinese justice to engage in warfare is incredibly simple and more straight forward than the west by a long long shot.
Basically it is seen to be of proper moral understanding by following a leadersbdecision to go to battleb in culture. In their culture having a proposition to go to war, using words such as; "Taiwan will inevitably be reunified peacefully or otherwise".
We see this kind of statement and assume that this means how we see when we place it though the test of pur just war theory.
This is a major mistake which may lead to a surprise us as we will not expect by continuing this crucial mistake.
If you use the very same words by president Xi "..... peaceful or otherwise..
Well... its not forsaking 'otherwise' for lack of using 'war' in effort to be diplomatic or carefully choosen words.
It translates as:
im the boss: Taiwan is ours, i will avoid war as your good leader but you all best better pack your shit.
Its a declaration not just diplomatic stern words.
Yet we act as, we are still talking about it and just going to strategise to avoid.
Look, Taiwan is not playing the reunification game for Chine, we are not pushing the one china policy any further either.
So, i hope some of those who critise me for seeming panicked somewhat as a geostrategic security professional and a complete nerd on this subject might want to stop that assumption that I have a screw loose. Im panicked because defence experts apply what they believe to be accurate evaluation that they learned st university where as I have no degree and have just used my 130iq and applied it towards looking for solutions for scenarios you experts applying you western knowledge though a western lense only.
So i do forgive you that you are not a self starter or place food, sleep, money or even friends and other pleasures as necessary something when i don't at all. I regard this situation applying, not thinking that i learned like bloody parrot fed to me in a lecture theatre were i adopted a previously floored narrative tought as gospel. Sometimes these expert i got a piece of paper from the best university that always made shure theu get the type that has an good score card which basically only goes prove how well you obsord any information, period. Getting into a uni that chooses and sells a the thing that has always worked before. A piece of paper to people we choose to make the piece of paper look good.
Then you use flashy terms like multirole like it can do everything we need for a good price.
Bam! Problem solved, we saved ourelves by looking like we literally just had Jesus visit and he said he will return later because he wanted to show his old man a multi role military ship or whatever.
Im gonna wake you up a bit. Multi role will almost every time do an unfathomable amount roles and be able to change between and tick all those capability boxes. In reality it will do all them well, but I am applying the same meaning to the word well, in the same i say a swiss army knife does many things well. It comes with many tools, things well but it does each individual thing shit.
Shit. Multirole is shit. It combines many thing well ('many things' with the simple most direct meaning just the amount of things).
Combat literal shits. I mean ship. I say shits because, once again. Developed for many years, the brightes sparks applied two cents every day just have a literal shit (sorry i mean ship).
I see it now from the boffins again. Nope hunter class is to expecive. Its old tech.
You miss the greatest strengths of the hunder class frigets as defence "experts". So ill just get this out the way now because better just take care of the inevitable now. You are a fucking idiot. Your not expert at all your fucking parrot that learned bad ways and all about diversity that has a unhealthy addiction with sleeping with eyes open.
Fuck please stop watching star wars and trying to apply viction to reality.
Seriously do you see swiss army knives used by surgeons, plumbers, carpenters, hair dressers, tilers?
If you think they abandoned what works and the swiss army knife is the best bloody thing around you are not.
There is zero fat on hunter class frigate, it does not do maybes, it does apply older techniques but applies combat proven equipment. Not dreams and well every fucking role that is literally as real as the handwriting on your degrees (not reall, fake).
Goodluck with your multirole light corvette (the term ' corvette' means 'fast and light' you dumasses. Or is it officially a light fast and light light corvette also.
Hint, no. Its corvette, end of story nothing else need.
On the note of 'multirole corvette', undcrewed, inevitably crewed anyway but just in case... lets make it woth a deflatable steel. Then we can call it a heavy zodiac light corvette.
I sound like this AUKUS set up, china and everything with Taiwan is ganna make the entire AUKUS useless.
Some of you stilll ignore my considers. You know so far since IMPART became an official company, Australia manufacturered only as part of one piece of highly capable equipment that i picked correctly. The f35. Who built those Australian components on the F35. Well, it does not surprise me at fucking all. BAE fucking systems.
Like shit the interests i support 100% from all these experts, the passions 100%, the times the spend... almost everything associated that they contribut.
Saying its worth aiming to hope that one size fits all solutions that are not yet combat tested will make any known real world difference to the outcome. We just dream with cool looking drawings for this critical situation that will affect the entire pacific and the rest of the world.
Kindergarten day one at IMPART Kindergarten what is that you drew Johnny?
its a net zero water propelled flying aircraft carrier that harvest corn with lazers.
My dead honest reply to Jhonny would be intersting Johnny.
Not, when can we get it done Johnny.
And i would not feel the same as do towards you lor as Johnny.
Johnny is also 7.
What the fck is your excuse. Are you all special needs or did you grow up with Multi role pencilcases?
Seriously what the actual.
Oh yes, who wants bet on the light light heavy corvette. Im throwing in 50 not sore what yet but not even knowing the platform yet, im better a pineapple Australian $50 straight of the bat something not going to work at all even before a keel is layed.
Fyi am going call someone at grumman to laugh my ass for about an hour by starting conversation, right of the bat with "LM should be multirole".... i have to because i feel stupid right by proxy for being on a team with delinquent parrots with name. Or i may consider necking up.
Seriously. Am in a twisted dream.
Sorry for just dumping this on you table like projectile vomit. But it was it was that or real vomit.
At least i was laughing whilst righting this.
Experts Andrew? Experts? seriously surely you must feel the same sometimes? Sometimes just expery on the bloody name tag and nothing else in a meeting.
I feer this is noing to come and we won't be prepared for it. Forgive me.
But that happens and our life will change drastically change instantly.
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Absolutes aren't logical in my opinion so saying the United States will respond in Taiwan as they did in the Middle East is difficult for me to understand.
Although, once we have built up our superconductor infrastructure and economy, I'm sure we would leave Taiwan like we left he Middle East.
I'm interested to see when these worldwide houses of cards/lies come tumbling down.
Once the people hear the truths of the world, we will be able to make calculated and actionable decisions in order to re-establish order. The public has been divided by the lies, we know no other truths.
Unfortunately, our perceptual reality is truth even if it's not right/correct.
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Same with Ukraine.
Aid for Ukraine and Taiwan is a must do. The Aid for the Palestinians is also priority.
If Russia pushes through Ukraine, they will continue on; and then we will be at war defending our Allies. Our men and women will die most likely because Republicans in the house wouldn't pass the Aid bill. The same thing in Taiwan. I'm glad you both are bringing these issues out, so people will understand what's at stake.
Thank you both
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11 months ago
On the Objective looking in.
Observe and take heed. These are all pre-warnings and you are absolutely correct on that.
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