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Uploaded At Nov 15, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Dravidian is not a simple word. Dravidian people who came to India in ancient times lost their lands due to Aryans. Tamil Nadu is the only surviving Dravidian people of India. Dravidian people are not a simple word. It includes many lives of sacrifices and warriors. The Dravidian people have lost today the Asuras are called Arakras but the kings and people who ruled India at that time.
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Yes according to the sangam literature we all r in north india. tamilnadu doesn't have desert but we studied about desert people we studied chola ancestors manu and sembian(shibi) ruled kosala region.some people called kosar lived in karnataka,tamilnadu region, gangar lived in andhra,karnataka, orisa. Kurumba kuru dynasty in uttarakant and hariyana region currently in kerala karnataka tn. Paniyar(snow). Irula tn,kn, Kerala. irula dna and indus valley dna is same.
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2 years ago
Brahui is actually also spoken in the neighbouring area in 🇦🇫Afghanistan as wel
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