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Views : 58
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 3, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Thank you soo much! I love the "treat it as a season" and "learn all you can from it perspective". Holidays are very hard now without my husband. So I've started putting up a "blessing tree" instead of a Christmas tree. I pin a felt Christmas tree to my door and decorate it with paper ornaments on each of which is written a specific blessing I received that year. When I start feeling sad and lonely I look at my tree and literally count my blessings. It always amazes me how many I have! I also like to read over the ornaments from past years to remind myself of God's faithfulness. Thank you, again, for giving out of your own pain and needs to bless each of us with your encouraging words. You'll be one of the ornaments : ).
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Scripture also tells us that when a child ask his father for bread, he will not give them a stone.
I understand your point, and it has it's place. But I would implore you to understand, there are many out there who have felt lonely and excluded their entire lives, and for them, loneliness certainly seems like forever.
Rather than offering a pedantic aphorism that gels with your priors, try offering comfort to those in need.
"When I was hungry, you gave me food. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was naked you clothed me.
When I was in prison, you came to visit me."
A phone call might go a lot further than this message. Just sayin..
3 months ago
🙂 thank you!!!
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