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Views : 1,840
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 5, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-06-09T02:11:20.84495Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
you cannot see your soul, yet you are aware there is life in your body. you sleep but the mind cannot turn off so u dream. your soul is your SPIRITUAL BODY. physical body does in grave. spirit body go to spirit realm. hell is real. without Jesus in the soul, the soul will go to hell for eternity.... there is no escape
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1 year ago
Where I find some legitimacy to it although I might be confusing what people mean by that is that, subjectively, my wife and child are the valuable people in the world to me. That's as real to me as gravity. Yet it's a "truth" I don't expect others to share. So there are many things of this sort in the realm of feelings that are as true to me as facts. The difference from, say, a trans person is that I don't expect you to share or engage in my subjective realities. I don't expect you to love my wife as much as I do, for example, or say she's the loveliest woman in the world. Actually I would be worried if you did! 😅
Take religion, as an example. My subjective reality as an atheist is that I am very agnostic about the existence of the supernatural. Theists seem to believe quite faithfully in the supernatural. I have no dispute with theists so long as they do not require me to say that God exists, and hopefully they have no dispute with me since I would never demand from a theist to say that God does not exist. It is only when people demand that we acknowledge and share our subjective realities that I have a problem. I have no problem with someone having some things they believe, or feel, or whatever we call it that isn't going to be true for everyone or even anyone else so long as they do not demand we hold the same feelings or beliefs.
I'm an Android fan over iPhone, for example, since I'm a programmer by trade and I favor the greater programmability of Android phones without the strict EULA and hardware restrictions of iPhones. I don't expect everyone to use Android phones though. I respect iPhone users and think even the competition between the two improves both
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