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Using food rewards doesn’t have to create cookie monsters! 🍪 #libertyhorsemanship
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18,515 Views • Aug 21, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 18,515
Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 21, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


5 months ago

As someone who has experienced both from making mistakes and learning from them it can be pretty difficult to learn how to use treats effectively. It's very easy to accidentally over excite your horse/s and cause friction. This video was a great reminder for me to further work on technique.

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5 months ago

It's nice to know other good trainers are out there, 👏 👏

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4 months ago

Incredible HORSEMANSHIP!! Thos is the way the relationship between man and should be at all times.

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4 months ago

I asked this question on a short, and I'm glad you've answered it! I noticed how the horse would come and stand in front of you to wait for a treat, but you've explained they're not pushy about getting one

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3 months ago

I think using treats in a way that gets the horse super focused on it can be useful. For example my horse might be scared of a certain big bad vehicle that starts being nearbye often, and today we have to go past it and in training we're nowhere ready. I can take a really good treat, his favourite treat he doesn't get very often, hold it right in front of his nose, and quickly walk past the scary thing and my boy won't even notice the big bad scary thing. Because he hasn't really focused on scary thing and was super focused on the treat, he also hasn't really learned anything. We just needed to pass it on our way home, I'm perfectly happy with that. We didn't make a step forward in our training but most importantly we got home safely and without making steps back (ie him being super uncomfortable and scared and having another bad experience with that damned car ).
Whereas in training I choose a distance to the big bad scary car where my horse isn't really scared yet, but definitely already notices it's there, and then work from there. Reward for behaviour deliberately and effectively instead of getting him to do something purely because I'm dangling his favourite treat in front of him. But both can be useful if done correctly in my opinion.

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5 months ago

I love your horses. Miss mine! Will always be in my heart!

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5 months ago

Kind of off topic but Your horses are so pretty❤❤

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5 months ago

Must be nice living somewhere where a normal spritz of fly spray is enough 😭😭 We went through that stuff by like a bottle a week on each horse, practically had to bathe them in it

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5 months ago

Such interesting information.

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5 months ago

Your horse's are absolutely beautiful. Remember me when your famous

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5 months ago

You are just amazing

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4 months ago

I really want to meet horses i love animals

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5 months ago

the only thing my horse does during grooming is try to eat my grooming tools 😭

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5 months ago

I wish my horses werent afraid of fly spray.....tried making our own natural one even and they really dont like having anything other than dust on them 😂

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4 months ago

So… I take horseback, learning show jumping, and I ride with another girl, let’s call her Stacy. Why do both horses like me more than Stacy? They don’t, I just bring them snacks every lesson 😅 my trainer doesn’t give treats to her horses so they don’t see her and get exited for treats, but the reason my horse, uhhhh let’s call him Rick for now lol, works with me is because (well for starters we’re both lazy, food motivated and have a terrible work ethic-) he knows after he does a little work (he hops the jumps, he’s too lazy to properly jump) he gats food! And the other horse Stacy rides, let’s call him Rocket (cause he’s the energetic one I feel like I’m gonna die on-) is more energetic like Stacy, and we both feed each others horses so they don’t start hating or preferring one of us. But I do always brings the snacks, I usually get cold, moist (you’re welcome for the word choice) apples for them after the day because they get real sweaty real fast lol. Anywho, they love food so FRIGGEN much, I’ll be feeding Rick an apple slice and I turn around to see Rocket reaching his dang head like a mile, and his stall where we tie the horses and un-tack them and stuff isn’t too far apart so he was literally in my face, to take Rick’s apple. Calm down! There’s an equal amount 😅 and they’re real stuck up about food too, I had a private lesson when I started with this stable and Rocket (we were in the indoor arena) gets some hay, and STICKS HIS DANG HEAD OUT TO SHOW RICK LIKE “AY BROTHER LOOK! I GOT FOOD AND YOU GOTTA WORK! HAH!”
To be fair though, the same day going to get Rick he did compare he to a pile of horse droppings, so in a way he kinda deserved it- but yeah! Moral of the story? Food is good. And at least you had something to do for like 8 years trying to read all this 😅
So here’s your troph



4 months ago

Can you tell me a bit about how that works? I'm curious actually because of my dog, I know that might sound random watching a horse short but I'd like to try make him less eager to "grab" for treats

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4 months ago

always baffling to see equestrians claim that +r causes hyperfixation on food and then turn around to their own treat obsessed horse and scold them for being so mouthy for their treats. i've literally never seen a traditionally 'trained' horse who wasn't crazy about treats because they don't associate them with any trade or reward. the calls are coming from inside the house as always



4 months ago

I am learning Freedom Training for the first time and training my own horse, although I am having a lot of success with him, one of the things he has learned is to associate the rewards with getting very close and sometimes pushing me, how can I solve this ?


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