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68 Views • Jan 10, 2025 • Click to toggle off description
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Genre: People & Blogs
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Uploaded At Jan 10, 2025 ^^

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1 month ago


john b- best friend, close, protective of you

pope- close friend, protective of you, laughs at your jokes

jj- brother, has a love-hate relationship, gets frustrated with you often but quickly realizes and it goes back to normal

kiara- frenemy, gets jealous when your hanging with jj, even though your siblings, she’ll hang out with you and is still kind of a girls-girl to you

sarah- super best friend, gives you advice, keeps your secrets, will lie and die for you, can trust her with anything

y/n- you! total badass, gets in trouble often, police officers like her because she always makes jokes with them, even when she’s in trouble, plays electric guitar, skates, can have an attitude, smokes/drinks, does risky stuff, laughs a lot, fun to be around, life of the party, rides motorcycles

jj and y/n are at it again. y/n is pissed, she wanted to go surfing with jj, but he has plans with kiara. jj won’t let her surf alone

y/n’s pov

“well then let me go alone!” i’m getting frustrated. jj only wants to do what he wants, it’s always me that doesn’t get to do anything

“no, your not going alone” he stays stern on the little rule that he made up

“you don’t make kie go alone! we’re basically the same age” i argue

“well first of all, your three years younger than her and also, im not in charge of kiara” he isn’t raising his voice and its making me mad. i just want to yell at each other, like usual.

“of course, it’s always im not in charge of her, well guess what, your not in charge of me either, dad is” i stick my tongue out to him childishly

“you know dad’s off the island, and until he comes back, yeah, i am in charge of you” hes packing stuff into a bag, i guess for whatever he’s doing with kiara.

“it’s always about kiara. remember when you’d hang out with me?” i try to guilt trip him

“kiara doesn’t get into trouble constantly” his voice raises

“well i do! you fù€k her and fù€k you too!”

“watch your mouth, y/n” he spits out, stopping what he’s doing

“literally says you, you always say that!”

“i don’t have time to argue with you” he dismisses, picking up the bag and throwing it over his shoulder

i roll my eyes and watch him leave.

“and don’t even thinking about surfing!” he yells before he slams the door. there’s a storm coming from down south, the waves will be wicked. i really want to go.

i watch him drive away on his bike. i make sure he’s gone before going to his room and taking his surf board. what he doesn’t know won’t kill him, right?

time skip

i get to the beach. i watch the wild waves for a few minutes. i tighten my bikini strap and start paddling out. topper and the kooks are out here. this is a pogue sport, but whatever

“what you doin out here alone y/n?” rafe asks as we all wait for the waves to pick up more

“surfing…?” i say in a judgemental way, literally what else am i supposed to be doing on a dark day on the water sitting on my surfboard

he rolls his eyes.

around thirty minutes later, i see a good wave coming so i start paddling out. i feel the rush that i crave, the adrenaline. i hop up on my board swiftly, biting my bottom lip as i try to stay up. the white water spreads quickly, breaking ontop of me. i’m in the barrel, trying to keep calm. if i don’t get out of the barrel in time, it’ll crash down on me.

all of a sudden, im trapped underwater, my board attached to my ankle is tugging from the waves that keep crashing on it. my foot is struck in some rocks, but i can’t grab them bacause the current keeps pulling me up

kooks pov

“where’d y/n go? did she leave?” topper asks, squinting

“is that her board? guys, that’s her board” kelce announced quickly, his eyes widening

“don’t just sit here go help her!” sofia begs rafe

“i got it, i got it” he assures her. he jumps ontop of his board and unhooks his leash. he dives under water, the colt saltwater stinging his eyes. he follows y/ns leash and sees her underwater, unconscious. protectiveness surges through him. he takes a deep breath and swims to the bottoms of the reef to try and grab her…

kiara’s point of view

jj just picked me up from the wreck. john b, pope, and sarah are all in the twinkie. we are going to hang out at the beach.

“where y/n?” i ask as i hop in

“didn’t bring her, she was being a bitch” i can tell jj is frustrated

“you can’t just leave her because you argued, she’s your sister” pope chimes in

“yeah, i wanna go see her. she can come jj” sarah’s holding onto john b “turn around, we’re going to get her” she tells john b

he nods and turns around “ok, but im warning you now, she’s in a hell of a mood.” he crosses his arms and pulls me into his lap

few minutes later

sarahs point of view!

“i’ll go get her” i say, hopping out of the truck happily. knocks on the door and y/n doesn’t answer. i just open the door and walk in “y/n!” i shout, looking around for her. there’s a honk outside coming from the twinkie, telling me to hurry up. i look in her room, not there. i look in jj’s room, she’s not there. but, jj’s board isn’t there. i realize she left to surf. i groan, knowing there’s definitely going to be some drama between the maybank kids. i’m not going to tell the pogues, i’ll just say she wasn’t there. what they don’t know won’t kill them, right?

let me know if you want a part two 🤘

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1 month ago

JJ don’t act like you don’t

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4 weeks ago

i could never talk to jjs beautiful face like that 😔

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1 month ago

This is really good!!

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1 month ago

baddie yn! 💗😭

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1 month ago

I would really say that lmao 😭

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1 month ago

we ate Jj up….😂

Mother i am now famous

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4 weeks ago

Roses are red
Violets are blue
We came to the comments to find a part two😂❤
Love the video bt

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1 month ago

✨⚠️ Part twoooo! ⚠️✨
for context, you're a pogue, always have been. you've lived on the worse side of the cut, you're uncle takes care of you & he's a dr-g dealer. 4 months ago, you were walking home from school & you saw JJ being beat up from his dad. since you're uncle sold drugs and Luke was one of his customer, you've been swapping his dads dr-gs with sleeping pills so he won't beat up jj. Ever since you saw what happend to JJ, you've been secretly protecting him from everything without him knowing
to this scene, you were walking home from school, behind JJ cause you were stalking him ( to make sure he's safe I'm not that delulu 😭) when a cop starts chasing him down
''; thinking
----; cut off for swearing etc
you see a cop chasing him down, he goes through an alleyway, jumps over a fence & into your side of the cut
Yn; 'i gotta help him!'
you start running, passing gardens & trees as you try cut JJ off, when suddenly he crashes into you
JJ; sh--! you quickly get up, giving JJ a hand as you grab his arm and start running
Yn; follow me
JJ; WOAH! you start sprinting, still grabbing jj's hand
yn; trust, I'm helping you you suddenly stop
yn; sh--
JJ; what's wrong?
yn; I can't- you hear sirens when the cop shows up with his car, telling you to stop on his intercom
Cop - c
C; step away from the vehicle! hands above your head as he steps out of the car, you realise that's not a cop, it's one of your dad's customers and he has a gun in hand
Yn; f----...*you grab jj's hand once again and start running*
JJ; what are you doing?! he tries to get your hand off of him, but you won't let him go, as you're basically tugging him at this point
Yn; he's not a cop he's- the car comes once again, and he gets out of the car. He walks towards you slowly, gun pointing to yous
Yn; don't trust him the cop punches him, knocking him out, then the cop points his gun at you
C; I know you know I'm not a real cop. but what is real is this gun he cocks the gun and points it at JJ
C; you didn't see anything
Yn; f---- no, I did
C; if you don't leave now, this guy's a goner
Yn; 'sh--, I can't just leave...'
C; three, two-
Yn; I didn't see anything
C; good girl you feel your throat retching, as you walk off, not looking back
@Anna-b4 for telling me to make this!
🚨 Part 3? 🚨
✨⚠️ Part 3! ⚠️✨
You're walking home, your bag barely staying on your shoulder, as all the possibilities of what's happening to JJ is going through your mind
Yn; it's all my fault... I should've just beaten him up or SOMETHING!
you walk upto your doorstep, where 5 people are in line outside your door
Yn; busy, innit?
you feel strong hands grasp your throat, pushing to the wall of your house
Man; I've been waiting 45 minutes!
As your up against the wall, you grab the the back his head and bring him down to where your arm extends
Yn; I'll speed things up, but you gotta be patient, alright?!
people start slowly nodding their heads, as the man in your grasp mumbles
Man; B-----
you knee him in the head, him still at your hands, as you look down to him, his nose bleeding
Yn; got it?
he nods, as you let go of him, him falling at your feet as you enter your house, you look to your uncle
Yn; speed things up, will you? Customers getting angry
Uncle; got it *you crack your neck as you go in your room, it smelling like dr-gs ( not going to specify for younger people! just please be mindful that this involves violence! 💗 ) *
Yn; wonder if that guy's okay..., it's kinda my fault over the next two hours, people begin to leave, so you go to your uncle
Uncle- U
U; get me a beer, would you?
Yn; what happened to "how was your day?"
he slams his fist on the table U; get me a beer!
you roll your eyes as you walk to the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't notice. you grab a beer from the fridge and bring it to him
Yn; got the money for rent?
U; I'm working on it and you know, you should be grateful for staying here, but instead you just mope around
Yn; look I'm sorry I just had a rough- he passes out on the couch
Yn; day you wait 2 minutes to make sure he's asleep when you look to the table to see if the money's there, if he counted it
Yn; 'guess he hasn't counted it yet' you reach into his pocket when you feel his cold hands grab yours
U; ungrateful b-----! did you just try take my money?
Yn; I'm taking it for rent, before you spend it on-
he gets up and comes close to you, eyeing you down
U; now you're blaming your uncle, are you?
Yn; no! it's that-
you feel a punch against your cheekbone, as it gashes out with blood, pain surpassing any feelings
U; that'll teach you, just like it taught you the other day, but I guess you've fallen out of line, have you?
you nod at him, then you go the bathroom to wash your face but the water doesn't run because your uncle hadn't payed the bills. you go to your room, putting on the last of your concealer you had from when you took money the last time to buy makeup for your bruises
Yn; sh--, it's running out
you check the time, it's 6.45pm, you realise you're running late for work, so you get dressed in your uniform and you tie your hair in a low ponytail to cover your bruises. you go back through the living room, out the door when your uncle drowsily says
U; where are you going?
Yn; to get money for rent, gotta pay it somehow
U; what did you say to m- before he finished his sentence, you grabbed your keys and left, realising how cold it is, you speed walk to work when someone bumps into you, his beers in his hands falling to floor, you going to pick them up
JB; sh--, thanks
you give him the beers, holding all 13 in just your hands
Jb; damn, you can hold a lot
Yn; well, I'm on my way to work he looks down at your uniform, and it says "the wreck"
JB; no way, you work at the wreck?! My best friends parents own the place
Yn; cool, look, nice talking to you but I'm going to late
you walk off quickly and think to yourself "no way, it's that guy from school? the one in that infamous group?". You arrive at the wreck, mike (Kiaras dad) plops a tray in your hand
M; you're late, two minutes
Yn; I'm sorry, I was-
M; table 3
you bring the tray over to there, as you give the drinks to them, you go over and take more when mike tells you
M; go behind the bar, I'll get someone else to cater
you go behind the bar, shaking cocktails and making drinks to customers
Customer; can I get an iced caramel frappe?
Yn; this ain't a Starbucks, it's a bar, not even a chocolate bar, just a regular bar. Do you want me to explain what that is or do you get it?
Customers; you know, servers shouldn't have attitudes
Yn; and old people shouldn't drink, but who am I to judge?
it's getting late, people are leaving and mike tells you to go, when the bell rings and three people enter
Mike; acctually, yn can you take them?
Yn; k you walk over to them, pen and pad in hand
Yn; whatchu want?
K; is this how my dad is telling newbies how to talk?
JB; don't mind her, I'll get a ribeye & a coke
P; I'll take the same
K; I literally own the place JB, I can say what I want
Yn; I don't care what you say, what do you want?
K; same as them she rolls her eyes as you go back to the kitchen, as you're cleaning tables, you hear laughing from their table
P; shouldn't he be here?
JB; he should be here soon
Yn; 'sh--, what if something happened to him?'
you bring over their drinks
K; took you long enough, you were literally doing nothing
water drops land on you from the ceiling so you look up, but then you realise you forgot to cover up your neck, so you quickly put your head down
JB; what happened to your neck?
Yn; 'what happened to your face?'
Yn; lighting
K; I don't think there's black and purple lights
Mike calls you to the kitchen and you bring their food
JB; thanks
P; yeah, thanks
Yn; you're welcome
you go over to mike, asking to go home & he finally lets you, on the way out you hear laughter & talking, so you fake smile to them on your way out
JB; feel like we've seen her
P; yeah
K; whatever, these people come and go, pogues forever
you walk home and when you try the key in your lock and it doesn't open, until you look up on the door and it says "talk back to me, spend the night outside, changed the lock, serves you right
Yn; is this guy f----ng shakespeare or something? you check both windows outside the house but it's locked. so, you find a bench and sit there, head tucked into your knees as tears begin to fall as you drift off too sleep
🚨 Part 4? 🚨
@trudiconnaughton6788 for hating on this lol iccl 💗 x

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1 month ago

We ate jj up 💅

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4 weeks ago

This is stuck in my mind this sounds like somethin Sarah would say to Rafe and this is how Rafe would respond

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4 weeks ago


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4 weeks ago

i love how im a brick wall in this

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1 month ago

My attitude in irl 😅

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1 month ago

Yassss I need a part 2❤

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1 month ago

I love thiss! Y/n ate it up with the reply 💕💕

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1 month ago

DANNNNG y/n!!!!😂

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1 month ago

Lollll I
Love this! 🤍

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1 month ago

Okay what does Kiara have to do with this likeee 😂

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1 month ago

Jayg don’t act like you don’t get into trouble constantly 😂😂

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