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Views : 6,362
Genre: Autos & Vehicles
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 16, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.975 (1/159 LTDR)
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User score: 99.06- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-09-18T16:36:10.737475Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Lol try cleaning up the rim & tire after & buy a new tube and use some small tire irons & take small bites at putting the tire & tube in so tbe tube doesn't get pinched and use plenty of water and dawn dish soap and take your time mounting the tire and tube and do it when the sun is out because that will make the tire more pliable and easier to get it on & when its on with the valve stem straight up fill the tube with Slime and take & drive it so it coats the tube and the slime will stop any leaks as its a sealer that works much better than other tire sealers like fix a flat . Lol the beard might need to be trimmed or shaved off now so hopefully you can get that stuff out of the beard before it starts to harden . Carburetor cleaner works good to dissolve it but probably will burn your face & bleach your beards color out . Some guys that are doing the foam thing on lawn tractor tires are drilling small holes through the tread so the foam can fill the tire up and the foam pushes any air out that gets trapped in the tire and wheel while filling it .
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5 months ago
Glad you showed the end result . Kinda helps me decide if I’m ever gonna try it
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