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Accept everything as a blessing and your life will change! #booktube #artofhappiness #zen
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152 Views ‱ Nov 27, 2023 ‱ Click to toggle off description
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Views : 152
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 27, 2023 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

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11 months ago

yess omggg
I totally believe that everything happens for a reason!!
it's meant to teach you something and make you stronger whether good or bad
ever since I've started believing that everything is happening for a reason, I think I have truly become a lot more mentally happy and I look for the good in every situation
also another thing I've heard is that everything happens for a reason but that's only true if you learn something from the first time it happens to you

if you're learning something due to a situation, that situation you were put into was meant to teach you that
so if you keep thinking that why is this happening to you without looking for what it is teaching you, you will be put into such situations until you learn what is was meant to teach you

everything happens for a reason ❀

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