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354 Views • Feb 3, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Powerful Shaktipat, Light Body Activation, Third Eye Activation, Instant Experience of Yoga, Deep Meditation, Meditative Absorption - Samadhi, Spiritual Awakening & Expansion of Consciousness. #spiritualhealing #selfempowerment #shaktipat
Experience Life-Changing Spiritual Transmission, Spiritual Transformation, Rare Siddha Teachings & Enlightening Discourses About the Living Path* of Immortal #Yoga, Original #Siddha Alchemy, #Mysticism & Natural #Spirituality.
✨ To Book One-on-One Sessions or Join Shaktipat Stream with Jivanmukti, go to siddhakundaliniyoga.com/



💎 paypal.me/sky888999888?country.x=FI&locale.x=en_US
Jivanmukti is a vessel of Yoga & Siddha Consciousness who emanates & shares rare in this day & age Knowledge of the Original Yoga, Siddha Kundalini Yoga, Spiritual Awakening, Self-Refinement, KayaKalpa (Rejuvenation), Bio-Spiritual Transformation, Siddha Tantra & other spiritual sciences.

Jivanmukti's presence & transmissions offer direct experience of Shaktipat, Yoga, Meditative Absorption & Light Body Activation, a profound Understanding & Knowledge of Creation, Evolutionary Cycles of Time, Frequency & Subtle Dimensions, Spiritual Psychology & History of Humanity, Life, Death, Self-Realisation & Human Evolution.

#siddhaguru #shaktipatguru #kundaliniawakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #samadhi #lightbodyactivation #thirdeyeawakening
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Views : 354
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 3, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

So grateful for the loving transmissions hidden beyond words. 🙏

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1 year ago


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2 years ago

I once read that we have no choice only the ilusión of it . Death occurs by gods will and everything that happens happens through him even what we consider “bad” destiny can only affect you as long as u have the idea that you are a body and that u have a mind but since you are timeless eternal and formless destiny or karma has no real effect upon u it does as long as the idea prevails and the “I” is present

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2 years ago

Let's say if I feel an entity sort of biting my limbs and neck, and trying to enter through the crown chakra or medulla, and sucks the spiritual essence from my body, then what should I do to prevent this and take back the control over my nervous system? I am aware of it, but I have no idea how to stop it. I am trying to follow the usual guidelines, but the attacks are almost nonstop. I try, but nothing seems to happen. Thanks 🙏


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