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8,164 Views • Nov 22, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Multiple young tourists have died in Laos after they had drinks laced with methanol... So what is methanol and why is it so dangerous? And how does it get into our drinks?

Musgrave, 2024, ‘What is methanol, how does it get into alcoholic drinks and why is it so dangerous?’

Chwasta, 2024, ‘What is methanol poisoning and how can I protect myself?’

Attanasio, 2024, ‘Melbourne teen Bianca Jones' family 'shattered' after suspected mass methanol poisoning incident in Laos’

Ashurst & Nappe, 2023, ‘Methanol Toxicity’

#methanol #methanolpoisoning #laos #backpacker
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Views : 8,164
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 22, 2024 ^^

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RYD date created : 2024-11-25T22:05:51.617137Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 months ago

Interestingly, one of the major treatments for methanol poisoning is drinking more ethanol. The ethanol has a higher affinity for alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver, which is the enzyme responsible for converting methanol into the toxin called formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is then converted into formic acid by the liver. It's mostly the high amount of formic acid in your blood that makes you very unwell with methanol poisoning. With more ethanol in the blood, the alcohol dehydrogenase is too busy to process methanol into formaldehyde, giving the body time to remove the methanol from the blood before too much formic acid is created.

As with all treatments for poisoning, this is something that should only be done with the supervision of a doctor. Drinking more of the tainted alcohol is also a recipe for disaster.

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2 months ago

Someone doesn't know how to make moonshine. You can distinguish the difference between ethanol and methanol by burning it, as the flame has different colors

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2 months ago

We had massive case in Czech Republic few years ago. Some guys created deadly mix of methanol and ethanol in massive amount that it would kill up to 160 000 people and tried to sell it in liquer bottles copiing official bottles. Thankfully, only small amount ended in shops and "just" around 50 people died, while many more had complication, like loosing vision forever. Two of the main guys got sentected to life.

Our police did great jobs figuring it out quickly so I hope in Laos, they can get to the end of it too. Otherwise, it is quite undetectable problem and even official stamps on bottles don't help. Pretty much only way to fight it in later stages if you find the culprit is to get rid of all the alcohol.

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2 months ago

Not only more relaxed, there's also not much enforcement for the regulation itself. So yes, just like in the video stay clear of unbranded alcohols, check venues on the internet first, this is especially in the regional areas but doesn't close the possibility of it happening in the cheap and less reputable parts of the cities as well. There is a method of pouring a small amount of the drink on a plate and lighting it on fire, if it's yellow then it's methanol, if it's blue then it's ethanol. Even when it's blue it could still have methanol but it's probably only a small trace that is not so much in the dangerous level. But this method only work efficiently on vodka, gin, and other spirits, not so much on cocktails. So yeah, like what has been said in the video, try to avoid freshly mixed stuff too especially in seedy places.

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2 months ago

This is why hillbillies went blind



2 months ago

You don't meaningful amounts of methanol while distilling unless you distill a really large amount, and if you blend all the subsequent distilled product its okay to drink

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2 months ago

your intelligence is very attractive! keep up the good work sista XD


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