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Uploaded At Sep 25, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-08-18T19:27:11.88841Z
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1 year ago
Changing your faith is a deeply personal decision, and it’s normal to worry about how your family may react.
It might not lead to the response you’re hoping for, so if you’re considering if it’s a good idea to share your faith journey with family, know that the answer isn’t so simple. It depends on how safe they make you feel and whether conflict or tension is work risking for this conversation.
Instead of trying to open up straight away, put some effort into learning which conversations are neutral ground and where the line should be drawn in terms of discussing private matters - even though, at first, things may not seem authentic or comfortable enough when you’re keeping parts away from them.
Opening up about faith changes is a process that almost always has its ups and downs. Still, over time, things can feel more natural again as you continually strive for balance and mutual respect for yours & others’ beliefs.
Save this post to have as a helpful reminder for the next time you’re headed into a tough conversation.
You’ve got this! 💛
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