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182 Views β€’ Mar 8, 2025 β€’ Click to toggle off description
Give yourself the FRESHEST start, do NOT add this kind of yard debris into your new garden beds:
bulbs ... they are much too hearty and smart. They will climb up through layer upon the layer of sticks and dirt to reach the sun. Don't throw them into the bottom!
vining plants ... it anything that goes wild in your yard! These plants are so so strong. They will find a way to grow in your fresh bed, don't put any clippings of them into the bottom!
no wood chips in the top layer! Keep that top layer of fresh garden soil really clean. No wood chips or sticks in that fresh rich soil.
BONUS - apple tree or fruit tree sticks are also SUPER strong, do not add these into the bottom either you will essentially be planting new trees! 😜

Start your bed off strong with a nice layer of cardboard to smother anything below the bed. Then start your lasagna gardening. Check the reel I posted yesterday for how we fill our Vego Beds!

Cheers to so much fun getting your garden READY to plant! Here's the direct link to shop vego, here's the discount code for $10 Off.

Definitely stick around for all sorts of garden tips to come as we get our own garden ready to grow! Our dahlia tuber sale opens March 12, and our Garden Workshops are open now πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸŒΎβœ¨

$10 discount code: KELLYWELK10_OFF


#flowers #cuttinggarden #flowergarden #flowergardening #flowergardens #dahlias #dahliaseason #springgardening #gardentips #vegogardens #gardenflowers #vegogarden #vego #cottagegardenflowers #inmygarden #inmygardentoday #pnwgardening #pnwgarden #pnwgardener #homemaker #homemaking #springgarden #cottagegarden #cottagegardenflowers #gardeningforbeginners
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Views : 182
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 8, 2025 ^^

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