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Uploaded At Oct 28, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
"The world is already saved, the country is already saved", you may have to rethink that. In Rev. 13:11, the second beast which came up from the earth WILL speak like the dragon. There's a lot to unpack here. Satan is the dragon and to speak like the devil will not be a characteristic of the saved. This second beast now has some characteristics of the United States of America. It came up from a sparsely populated unorganized area (land) as opposed to sea (populated organized) area as the first beast. It was lamb-like (established as a Christian nation), and it has two horns (NO CROWN), which means it is not ruled by a monarch. The two horns of rulership are republicanism and Protestantism, representative government, and religious freedom.
If God made the promise that He will cleanse the earth of sin with fire, then the world is not already saved. Fee good words but not Biblical. You may have just misspoke.
Don't be deceived
See, your premise of the question is wrong.
Is the bible THE Word of God?
The bible CONTAINS the word of God?
Then you have to ask, which one?
Not all bibles are the same, not all bible are clear in its presentation of the gospel, not all bibles have accurate translation vs transliteration....
Hence, satans job has been to draw questions as to the reliability of God's Word... so he made other bibles to confuse people.
According to one bible, you must be baptized to be saved vs another bible saying faith alone....
,Corrupt manuscripts are out there. Codex A, Codex B, Septuigent.... corrupt.
4 months ago