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Ten Core Differences on AWS lambda vs Google Cloud Function
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98 Views • May 22, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Link:    • Ten Core Differences on AWS lambda vs...  

#aws #gcp #lambda #googlecloudfunction #functions #serverless
Supported languages

AWS Lambda supports a wider range of languages than Google Cloud Functions. Lambda supports Node.js, Python, Java, Ruby, C#, Go, and PowerShell. Google Cloud Functions only supports Node.js, Python, and Go.

Maximum execution time

Lambda functions can run for a maximum of 15 minutes. Google Cloud Functions can run for a maximum of 9 minutes.


AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are both priced based on the amount of memory used and the amount of time the function runs. However, AWS Lambda is generally more expensive than Google Cloud Functions.


AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are both easy to deploy. However, AWS Lambda has a slightly simpler deployment process.


AWS Lambda has a larger community than Google Cloud Functions. This means that there are more resources available for learning about and using AWS Lambda.

Cold starts: When a Lambda function is first invoked, it takes a few milliseconds to start up. This is called a cold start. Google Cloud Functions do not have cold starts.

Trigger types: AWS Lambda supports a wider range of trigger types than Google Cloud Functions. Lambda supports HTTP, HTTPS, SQS, SNS, DynamoDB, Kinesis, and CloudWatch Events. Google Cloud Functions only supports HTTP and HTTPS.

Concurrency: AWS Lambda allows you to set a maximum concurrency for your functions. This means that only a certain number of functions can be running at the same time. Google Cloud Functions does not have a concurrency limit.

VPC support: AWS Lambda supports VPCs, which allows you to run your functions in a private network. Google Cloud Functions does not support VPCs.

Logging and monitoring: AWS Lambda provides more detailed logging and monitoring than Google Cloud Functions. Lambda provides logs for each invocation, including the input, output, and execution time. Google Cloud Functions only provides logs for the start and end of each invocation.
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 98
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 22, 2023 ^^

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2 months ago

Now called cloud run functions



2 months ago

Half life lambda symbol


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