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Views : 351,887
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 28, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Whatever your leanings, you have to acknowledge that the question about voting was answered brilliantly. I didnāt care for his premiership and I donāt share his views but we are fortunate enough to live in a society which is a room with the windows open. Debate and discussion are vital. And I have no doubt that after the cameras were off, Alastair Campbell and and John Major shook hands and probably went to the cricket.
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There's a big word that conservatives want to hear when someone says they have conservative values, and that word is 'traditional'. I would also accept 'preserve'. I mean, that is literally what conservatism means. To CONSERVE! There is nothing conservative about being international over national. How can you expect a democracy to be effective or local traditions to be preserved if you are expanding and outsourcing political decisions to countries that couldn't care less about our values. People want to be able to have a say in how their communities and country is run. How on earth to expanding the scope of accountability to an international level help that.
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1 year ago
"I believe in conservatism" then lists what the Conservatives haven't been in 25 years.
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