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159 Views • Dec 10, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Newton's binomial is very important to compute in some of the sums. Some, some are very difficult to compute. Some sums are very difficult to find. And one of the examples that we're going to have today is based on using Newton's binomial theorem to compute the sum. So we know how to express Newton's binomial as some some in a very nice format, We're going to use it to compute this some using the and choose K or combinations of elements with K going from 1 to n. Once we do that, we now that the sum of a plus B to the power, n is equal to this sum of the Newtons binomial From there. We gonna get what we need. The key idea is changing. The index of the sum and finding a nice formula using neutrons binomial to find the sum that we're going to need. We can prove this result using probability distribution and probability elements or probability Theory to find the sum. We can also use double counting to find this sum another way is using polynomials. We can use binomials to prove these result. This result is very helpful to students taking data science, classes learning python, or trying to do probability or interested in counting and geometry and probability techniques. This is next, a nice example that can be helpful to students trying to get their statistics courses mathematics courses. In a very nice format.
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Views : 159
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 10, 2024 ^^

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