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Views : 44,918
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 24, 2024 ^^
Top Comments of this video!! :3
That’s so nice Allahumma barik. Unfortunately we don’t have the possibility since our kids have just us 😢
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❤ keep that spark alive! My hubby and I do the same. Love you, love your videos. Thanks for teaching me so much about Islam
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Im not super religious but, honest to God your videos just bring me closer to Him. They are so motivational and you make it look so easy and tempting ❤ I wish the best for you two and your beautiful baby ✨
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So happy for you guys! ❤ Also, that little solar system wall decor for your baby's room is SO CUTE!!
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You are so beautiful and sweet 🥰. I have heard one of the secrets to a great marriage is not just date nights, but to always act like you are “dating” your spouse. It helps to keep the romance 💘 aliv
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Yes!!! My husband and I went through a hard time when my son was a baby. He had to work 6-7 days a week and my home wirh my son. We didn't have time for us. Eventually we felt like just room mates. But now that my son is 3 we are finally back to normal tho I swear it's even better bc we basically missed each other for 2 years, but that was not for the weak!!
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Recently me and my husband had a good conversation after the kids fell asleep. Its been a while since we've done that.. we're both tired. But that night we just talked until 1am and fell asleep. We can't leave the kids to someone so that's how we do it. 😂
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11 months ago
My grandfather's name was Muhammad Abdur Rahim
He passed away in 2021 due to COVID.
Make dua for him. He was an Alim❤
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