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988 Views • Aug 9, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
The classic bow! One of my favourites 😍

I love this move because it is a great stretch for muscles such as the triceps, deltoids, latissimus dorsi, ascending pectorals and the cervical portion of the trapezius! 💪🏼

This is a stretch that many horses naturally do themselves, often after a nap! 😴

How to teach it 🌟

🌼 First teach your horse to “park-out”. I like to position my horse with his back legs behind a pole on the ground and ask him to take a step forward with each front foot.

🌼 Then start to guide your horse backwards a tiny tiny little bit and reward any weight shift without moving the front feet. Your horse needs to shift his weight back slightly before moving his front foot so that gives you an opportunity to reward a weight shift!

🌼 Practice, practice, practice! This is an exercise that requires balance, strength and flexibility!! So don’t expect your horse to master it overnight. The horses in the video have been doing this exercise for years! So take it slooooowwww! Inch by inch…

🌼 You can put a girth on (not super tight!) to encourage your horse to stretch a little deeper when he understands your guidance. Sometimes just some firm pressure with your palm on the sternum will have the same effect!

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions 🤗

#horsesofinstagram #horsetraining #positivereinforcement #classicbow #horsetricks #horsestretches #equine #libertytraining #trickhorse #libertyhorse
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 988
Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 9, 2024 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-08-10T01:16:03.359065Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 months ago

Your patience and love is a testament to their success ❤

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5 months ago

How do you teach them park out?

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4 months ago

I do well training dogs... but I would love to learn how to train horses with such loving kindness as well ❤ It's absolutely beautiful to watch ❤

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5 months ago

Beautiful horses! I always think it’s so cool seeing them learn tricks ❤

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4 months ago

Its wild how you can teach them certain postures and strides and jumps, etc...this might seem like a more simple pose, i could understand how pushing on the sternum could get them to stretch n keep their feet forward, but i still dont unserstand how you get them to comprehend other moves?🤔 like how do they know what to do if you dont show them first? 😂
Like training a dog, u hold things above their nose to sit, or once they do sit you give them a treat, but its mainly moves dogs do any normal time...horses dont usually run with pretty steps, not very often anyways, so its just crazy to think of how perfect you can get them to move exactly how you want them to!

I need to see like a beginners video on all of this horse training action

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5 months ago

Beautiful horse ! Seems so trusting 😊

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5 months ago

Thank you for showing me!

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5 months ago

Wonderful! I love that saddle, Nadine! Where was it made.

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5 months ago

I might be able to use this to teach my dog BUM ⬆️


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