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192 Views • Premiered Sep 24, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Days of Elul - Day 19, 9/22 Let's revisit the definition of life as it is clearly expressed in the verse, "But you who cling to HaShem, your God, are all alive today" (Devarim 4:4). How, then, do we reconcile the Zohar's description of personal requests as "barking dogs," especially when we see that many of Israel's needs are central to the Rosh Hashanah service? While our individual needs are essential, this day's primary focus is recognizing that all blessings come from HaShem, the source of life. Understanding this allows us to reach a higher spiritual state.

This idea is also reflected in the offering of first fruits. Think of how we earn a living today—it may differ from a farmer's life, but the principle is the same. A farmer invests money, time, and effort to reach the day of harvest. When they finally see the results of their hard work, it's tempting to think, "I created all this wealth with my own hands." Isn't this a common mindset in modern society? You might even notice it within yourself at times. But as Jews, we humble ourselves every day, remembering that our ancestors were once in Egypt and that HaShem freed them. What has HaShem freed you from in your life?

We must approach HaShem with gratitude and confidence, knowing we have fulfilled our spiritual responsibilities. At the same time, we must guard against pride, which often arises when things are going well. Instead of focusing on material blessings that naturally come to those who "cling to HaShem," we should fix our gaze on the Kingdom of Heaven, all while appreciating the material expressions of HaShem's blessings in our lives. By clinging to HaShem, we can overcome the human tendency to worship personal power. Baruch HaShem.

#daysofawe #daysofelul #shofar
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Genre: People & Blogs
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Premiered at Sep 24, 2024 ^^

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