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Evidence for God: Ep 39. Jesus' empty tomb
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1 Views • Nov 21, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Was Jesus' ressurection a hoax? Athiests claim his disciples stole his body and lied. But here are 5 issues with this theory:

1. Jesus' disciples would have had to deal with the armed Roman guards at the tomb- you know the enemies who just murdered their friend/brother/Messiah.

2. The penalty for Roman guards falling asleep or deserting was "fustuarium", which was to be clubbed to death by other soldiers.

3. On discovering Jesus' body being missing, the Roman guards got paid by the Jewish chief priests (the ones who got Jesus crucified) to lie that the disciples stole Jesus' body (Matthew 28:12-15).

4. The disciples would have to roll away the tomb stone sealing the entrance. Described as "very large" (Mark 16:1-5) and too heavy for the three women to move, other archeological examples show it would have weighed around 1-2 tons and been slot into a stone groove at an incline.

5. Why would the disciples choose to do this? They saw what happened to Jesus. Psychologists show that people are not willing to be tortured or die for a lie. Historical accounts showed they were persecuted, beaten, imprisoned, and murdered by the sword, crucifixion, stabbing, stoning, clubbing, arrows, and being skinned alive or sawn in half.

The only reasonable explanation is that they truly believed that Jesus was the Messiah bringing salvation to the world. They had spent 3 years with Him, saw his miracles, healings and teachings. And Jesus appeared to them alive! They were willing to die spreading the good news, that Jesus died for your sins and rose again, that if you repent and follow Him, you will be saved and spend eternity with Him in heaven.





   • The Most Powerful Argument On The Res...  

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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 21, 2024 ^^

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2 months ago

Amen! Even one of the men involved with Watergate said that he knew what the disciples said about jesus was true because they never changed their stories after being tortured. He said the men involved with Watergate couldn't keep their story straight for 3 weeks once the heat was put on them


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