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WHAT IF | Alan Becker made TSC FIRST and VICTIM LAST #animationvsanimator
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45,787 Views ‱ Apr 7, 2024 ‱ Click to toggle off description
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Uploaded At Apr 7, 2024 ^^

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10 months ago

The chosen one and victim are basically brothers but they took a different route
The chosen one became a villain
Victim never wanted to be a villain or tortured by alan

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3 weeks ago

This means
Tco is evil (still one of the middles
Tdl is good (also one of the middles
Tsc is evil (oldest
And victim is good (youngest

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10 months ago

TSC - Was drawn and tortured by Alan for pure entertainment, but he came back later on and vows to get revenge on Alan, he uses drawn weapons, for example the lasso, white colored with black outlines, the fighting stick figures are the mercenaries that help The Second Coming, Green being a stop motion stick figure with pictogram powers, Blue with powers and can turn his head into a turret, Red can summon weapons like bows and spears, and Yellow has a UI toolbar, being the captain of the mercenaries too, The Second Coming put up wanted posters of The Dark Lord, and wants him to reveal Alan’s location, in order to achieve his goal, he managed to find out about Agent, who summoned Alan in the showdown between The Chosen One and The Dark Lord, he wants Agent now and will stop at nothing to fulfill his revenge
The Dark Lord - The Dark Lord was made after The Second Coming, Alan wanted a challenge so he made The Dark Lord, The Dark Lord started attacking everything in the PC with the intent to destroy everything, living up to his name, he was stopped by an antivirus and turned into a pop up blocker, one day he managed to break free from Alan and thrash the PC, he fought The Chosen One and won, he teamed up with The Chosen One and they destroyed Alan’s PC, they escaped to the internet to cause havoc, The Dark Lord then noticed they went too far and broke his friendship with The Chosen One, they then fought again just like before, The Chosen One was ultimately defeated by Victim’s awakened powers, leaving The Dark Lord alone with no one else, The Dark Lord then got chased by the mercenaries and was tortured by The Second Coming, never ever got his freedom at all
The Chosen One - His original purpose for creation was to stop The Dark Lord from destroying the PC, he followed this mission but lost, The Dark Lord spared him and teamed up with him, they destroyed the PC and escaped to the internet to cause chaos, The Dark Lord realized that their actions were terrible and decided to break his friendship with The Chosen One, who made Virabots to destroy everything, they started fighting just like before, The Chosen One managed to shoot a ViraBot to Alan’s PC, forcing The Dark Lord to follow it and stop the ViraBot, The Dark Lord came back to the Outernet after doing so and fought The Chosen One, The Chosen One put on a wristband giving him more power, allowing The Chosen One to overpower The Dark Lord, but Victim awakened his powers, ultimately defeating The Chosen One and stopping his evil plans
Victim - Victim after being created decided to roam around the PC, he met 4 stick figures with different styles each, Agent, who was a pivot stick figure with glasses, Hazard, who was a pictogram stick figure, Ballista, who was a pixelated stick figure, Primal, who was a cave drawing stick figure, Victim befriended them but Alan found out, Alan deleted his friends, making Victim mad, they started fighting but later they managed to come to an agreement and became close friends, Alan brought Victim’s friends back and they helped each other at times, one day a ViraBot infected the computer and tried to kill Victim, Alan fought it off and Victim alerted his friends, after some time The Dark Lord came into the PC and fought the ViraBot, defeating it and saving Alan’s PC and the stick figures, Victim and his friends praise The Dark Lord, who leaves and goes through a portal, Victim and his friends follow through, they end up in the outernet and see The Dark Lord and The Chosen One’s fight, The Dark Lord was losing until Victim and his friends interfered, however The Chosen One killed Victim’s friends, making Victim angry once again, he awakened his powers and destroyed The Chosen One, stopping him from finishing his ultimate goal, Victim revived his friends but passed out and forgot about this moment where he awakened his powers, Victim and his friends went back to their normal life, until The Dark Lord came back and wanted Victim to use his powers again, Victim didn’t understand, but The Dark Lord just brought Victim with him and forced him to fight the mercenaries, Victim’s friends followed The Dark Lord and Victim, leaving Alan alone all by himself, Victim protects The Dark Lord with a pencil, which was black and had blue outlines, however Yellow defeated both of them by pausing them using pause buttons he had, Victim and The Dark Lord were sent to The Second Coming’s organization, Where Victim was locked up, the Pencil was experimented on and The Dark Lord was tortured by The Second Coming, Victim then sees his powers on the memory scanner screen, Victim he was in disbelief and was then locked up with a high security cage, he is yet to reawaken his powers and save The Dark Lord from The Second Coming and the organization

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8 months ago

This needs to be seen by the whole world.

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9 months ago

Well, if it would be like you suggested, the second comming wouldn’t be called that.

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10 months ago

Ohhh man idk what gonna happen if The Victim was The last

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9 months ago

It would probably go the exact same way exept tsc would be gray and Victim would be orange

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8 months ago

This is ground breaking alan woulded torture stick figures but then a new villan at the end

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9 months ago

It could probably depend on what TSC's name will be given. The chosen one was hostile when created and named by Alan then he created TDL which acted passive then given an objective

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9 months ago

Ä° think he doesnt try delete him. Because just remember when alan saw he could talk, they became friends. But MAYBE dark lord couldnt be created because alan created him for killing tco.And i think TSC could become alone. Ä° mean stick figures. And alan, tsc, victim, dark lord(if he created),and tco would be friends.

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8 months ago

This is my theory but I thinks since from the Actual short we know that King and Purple is in the same universe as TCO and Victim. I jope that when King and Purple were walking around the streets. The same place where the King found out about the Minecraft Game Icon ( TV place) Is still on so King keep watching and rewind about his past self. But when King was looking, the screen shows a camera which is recording TSC geeting arrested. So King noticed it and started to questioned everything. With Purple soon realized as well. They soon team up to destroyed the organization arresting Orange. They will came back to Minecraft finding the right weapon to fight Victim.

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9 months ago

The SECOND coming

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8 months ago

if he came first he would be called the first coming



9 months ago

TSC or orange will know he's power and run from Alan Becker but victim I think he will be Like orange

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8 months ago

Then it wouldn't make sense to the names and in the storyline we can tell victim was the first one because alans computer first episode it was clearly old and it progressed

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10 months ago

victim then will be the favourite child then fighting stick figures would be replaced to mercs

TCO and TDL will be the same

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8 months ago

TCO and TVT is actually brother



1 month ago

The First Coming...



8 months ago

I think
First the tso still be want take revenge with alan
Second the tdl still be save from tco
Third the tco he is become virus emperor
4nd victim is friendly and take tso's all power and idea


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