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Views : 82,753
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 14, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My only issue with the Plane Jane situation is that she’s getting praise for it by the same people that dragged Rajah O’Hara, Silky, Luxx, Mistress, Kandy, and Brita Filter to the point where she wanted to commit suicide. I don’t mind drama, but I have a problem when someone is forcing themselves to be a villain and it feels like Jane is forcing her shadiness.
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My problem with her is her shade is about how people look (not their makeup but their actual face/body), not to their face, and is literally just insulting them. Someone like Gia - when she insulted people's looks in confessionals, she made it proper shade instead of just calling them ugly, a brick, or a piglet. Jane's "shade" isn't funny which is literally the point of shade, it's just insulting people. Then when you get into the other stuff (breastplate, weird padding on her entrance, voting strategically, and literally quoting Jimbo whilst plagiarizing her talent) it just adds up to someone I don't want to watch whilst any of those things normally I'd be fine with (I like Amanda who had half of those issues for example -). Luxx? Mistress? Gia? Sure, I didn't always love them, but they either kept it funny or to their face, providing proper shade. Kandy didn't even shade, she just was overtly honest about her opinions when having conversations with other queens. Jane has so far just used one-word insults in confessionals and in Russian - that's not shade, that's literally just insulting people.
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1 year ago
Please keep comments civil & constructive! It’s all just a tv show & the queens filmed this almost a year ago!
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