MLA of Sriganganagar (Raj.)Jaideep Bihani Sir praising KhasBook Podcast✨
Truly honoured!!
Mr. Jaideep Bihani, MLA Sriganganagar and Chairman of Bihani Group of Institutions Sriganganagar, is a shining example of a politician who truly serves the people. With a passion for quality education, health service and improved quality of life, he has dedicated his career to improving the lives of his constituents. Through his tireless efforts, he has established numerous programs aimed at enhancing the quality of education in his district. From improving the infrastructure of schools, providing better and equal opportunity, establishing Anti-Drug initiatives, Sir's commitment to transforming the lives of countless young people has set an example. His selflessness, compassion, and unwavering dedication to public service have earned him the respect and admiration of his community, making him a true leader and role model for others to follow.
Your Queries
KhasBook podcast
MLA Jaideep Bihani, Sriganganagar
Jaideep Bihani Sriganganagar Vidhayak
Political career of Jaideep Bihani
Life of Jaideep Bihani Sriganganagar
Bihani Education Trust
Historic election won by MLA
Legislative assembly leader sriganganagar
Health policies
Political career
BJP powerful leader
BJP powerful MLA
BJP party ke Vidhayak
Vidhansabha chetra Sriganganagar
Policies by MLA Sriganganagar
Health, education, quality development in sriganganagar
How to become a politician in India
How to become an MLA
Vidhayak kaise bane
Politics kaise join kare
MLA ki power
Eligibility for MLA
विधायक कैसे बने
Who is an MLA
Advice to students by MLA
career guidance to students
How to join the legislative assembly
how to enter politics in India
How to handle a district
How to arrange medical services
Public service
Rajniti kya hai
Rajnitik siddhant kya hai
Anti drugs initiative
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