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Views : 53
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 10, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-09-10T19:19:03.367346Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Glacial extremity. Disaster of great calamity. The world in which hit its final atrocity. Complicit. Simplicit. Faithful your eyes which deceive you. The mountains of guilt in which misread you. Before you is a calamity in which never ends. But yet you meanings for life now must End
Domain expansion: mountains of calamity
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As oceans freeze over…
And glaciers shift like a river…
The cold temperature grows bigger..
And the Slightest of movement is the trigger…
The moon shines bright…
All seams just right….
Is it just another night?
But it won’t go down without a fight…
As the light dampens, and the tides shift….
This my friend. Is your final drift..
You look around and see snow covering all.
There’s no escape, for you have missed the final call…
Domain Expansion…. Sub-Zero Nightfall
5 months ago
Snow seem to appear of the coldness..
The sun of the cold null...
Mountains rise...
Clouds consume..
Domain expansion: ghacial of the forbidden sun.
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