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Views : 64
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 5, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-01-05T16:52:53.026242Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Thank you so much. I know this is the message I’ve been getting, but the human and perfectionist part of me still feels guilty with so much to do around me for my family and my fur babies. And I have realized if I don’t listen, I tend to get hit with some illness that forces me to lol. Like RSV since Christmas. Hope you are well. Happy new year! Thank you for being you and being part of my life ❤
Thank you. This is exacly what I said to myself today. I need to rest this month. Integrate these huge changes and deep healing I've done lately. Process everything.. And prepare for this year. It has been so very intense and I can barely leave my bed now. I know that I am protected and assisted in this proccess. 🤍🖤💜
I'm struggling with accepting a broken bond right now. But I have now realized that the bond has been broken. Which is an important first step. I feel so very alone. But I know that I am not. 🙏 These wounds need integrating so that I can move forward into the transformative energies of 202
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Thank u so much 🌷 1:11
10 months ago
Thank You For Your Truth......
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