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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 13, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
This is a reupload. I was challenged to look at the verse through different versions of the bible. It is my impression that this verse focuses on FAITH. And that the preceding excorcism context and mentions of prayer and fasting, all function to highlight the necessary deep conviction we must have in the Creator in order to do powerful things. Amen brothers and sisters, may the dreams God has given you, flourish!
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That's not what he meant, it's not faith in Jesus that can make us move mountains, it's faith in ourselves. He said you can do what I do and more because I'm going back to my father. We are all part of God, that's what Jesus tried to teach them. The Romans distorted his teachings and used fear to control the masses.
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1 year ago
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