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Views : 11,053
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 9, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.955 (11/959 LTDR)
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User score: 98.31- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-15T19:11:10.329171Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Yes this is me too I haven't changed completely but I have changed a few things in my life and I have no desire to fuss and argue and I don't deserve to be verbally abused by anyone for any reason at all and I do see people for who they really are and I trusted to soon that has always been my down fall but no more trust will need to be earned cause i have been hurt and had things happen to me over other people's lies and stories made up about who I am thankfully I didn't get killed but some thing took place that I have to live with every day so now if someone wants me in their life they need to let me know cause I don't go out of my way to impose in anyone else's life and if I leave someone's life it is because I can feel and understand my gut and the actions of others and when I do leave there will be no coming back after I've been shown the way people think and feel about me and I don't do conflict or drama I've got my own dream and wants in life that I am not in any competition with anyone else cause I don't believe no two people have the same exact dream and wants in life
4 months ago
Love the Simplicity , Honesty, cards on the table. Heart on my sleeve. No b.s. no games. I agree 100%
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