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Tell your doctor THESE before surgery 🤮
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122,779 Views • Dec 4, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
If you are prone to nausea, you should discuss these strategies with your doctor! this is not medical advice, but it is to empower you to advocate for yourself during the vulnerable time of surgery, especially if you are concerned about post-operative nausea and vomiting, also called PONV
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Views : 122,779
Genre: Education
Date of upload: Dec 4, 2023 ^^

Rating : 4.821 (327/6,983 LTDR)

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RYD date created : 2024-03-17T21:50:09.221957Z
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YouTube Comments - 216 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


6 months ago

You're absolutely a lovely person and physician. PEOPLE TELL YOUR ANESTHESIOLOGIST ABOUT ANY DRUG USE. I didn't and suffered. The NEXT time I did and it was received with compassion and gratitude. I'm 10yrs sober but DON'T KEEP ANYTHING FROM YOUR ANESTHESIOLOGIST. (Or any Dr for that matter)

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6 months ago

Sometimes you can tell them you wake up nauseous, but they don't care. You can even tell them you ARE nauseous and they just say "that's normal." It's like great, it's normal, but I don't need to be puking or dry heaving right now, so help please?

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6 months ago

I shared how nauseated I get after surgery and that I was having some anxiety. The nurse told me to also share this with the anesthesiologist and it was a game changer. I got something for anxiety and some type of patch. No more getting sick on the drive home from the hospital.

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6 months ago

Great tips! I really enjoy donating to the anesthesiologist Foundation, since it was hard for me to go to college because of my cerebral palsy, I really wanted to be a anesthesiologist physician

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6 months ago

I always expected good results for my surgery. Never anxious, just excited for the final results.

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6 months ago

Oh my goodness you are talking about music therapy!!!! Where have you been all my life?!!? I started painting so I could thank my medical team. Art therapy is a game changer-music heals. This is awesome.

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6 months ago

The last time I had surgery, I told the anesthesiologist that I vomited for 24 hours after my previous surgery. He told me he would not use gas and would keep me asleep with "needlework". Worked like a charm!!!!

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6 months ago

I just told my anesthesiologist that I get queasy every time I’m coming out of anesthesia… they gave me a different med maybe or something before waking up in my IV maybe, but any time I’ve let the doctor know, I feel great afterwards. I have no idea what they do differently.

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6 months ago

Dr. Kaveh, I just had my 60th surgery in Tampa, FL, and I asked my surgeon who has done many surgeries on me in the past: My favorite anesthesiologist gave me Versed in the Pre-Op area, and then I was taken to the operating room and I remember going into the OR and my surgeon was standing next to in between where they rolled the bed to and her and I remember she smiled at me and then the OR nurse helped me get on the table and as soon as I laid my head down that was the last thing I remembered and so I asked her and she said it was the Propofol! Evidently, unknown to me the anesthesiologist, was standing behind me out of my view and was pushing the Propofol thru my IV as I was getting on the table. So like, that was before any of the monitors got put on. Have you ever heard of them giving the propofol that quickly and before getting monitors on? I do sometimes remember previous surgeries the mask going over my face for oxygen but other than that, at this hospital in Tampa, they seem to be very sneaky and good at it in getting the patient induced into general anesthesia before the patient even realizes it’s happening. Thoughts?

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6 months ago

I told staff that I was guaranteed to be nauseous and/or puke. Both in post-op and from at home recovery meds. It's just the way I have always been. The nurses just looked at me in bewilderment and scorn with a serious side-eye and asked "why". It really felt like they reluctantly gave me my scopalamine patch. Patch was wonderful, but I woke up on day 2 of the patch being on and not being able to read at all up-close, and barely focus (dilates pupils). Freaked me out, nobody warned me. Hospital called and told me to take it off. Nausea and puke cycle started after that, with a 4am crisis. Heaving was not good for my abdominal incisions. I was having a pain crisis as well anyway, so I got an emergency appointment to be seen and get new meds. I finally got nausea meds prescribed, and a shot of toradol. Which worked WAY better for me than the oxycodone they gave me (and gave me more of despite saying I didn't want more because it didn't touch my pain at all. As in, ibuprofen 800s worked better than oxy did). Really strange medication management.

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6 months ago

I am so grateful for your videos! I just had my gallbladder removed yesterday, and watched your videos in the week leading up to it. You made me feel so much more calm with the idea of surgery. Thank you for your gentle approach to sharing these tips.

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6 months ago

I always ask for a Scopolamine patch, phenegren, and Zofran. Been using this combo for 10 surgeries and no issues of nausea or vomiting.

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6 months ago

I’m learning so much from you. Thank you for posting these u tube videos.

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6 months ago

My first surgery I ever had was actually considered brain surgery (the surgeon did see my brain 😱) I had it in June this year 2023, I had an Arnold chiari malformation decompression surgery! I got woke up from surgery crying from the pain asking for my pieces of skull that they took (about a quarter size from my skull, and about a quarter size of my C1), then when I got back to my room at about 7 pm I was so hungry, my husband and son brought me pork belly ramen from my favorite restaurant and I ate it all, they also sent me home LESS THAN 12 HOURS AFTER MY BRAIN SURGERY 😵‍💫 it’s safe to say, I was recovering rather nicely 😁

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6 months ago

I dos ask the nurse and anesthesiologist if my 15 y/o could listen to a couple songs before he went back as he was so scared and it fell of dead ear. They both smiled and ignored us. I had to push for the Zofran and the block that was supposed to be done while under did not get done and we were never told why.

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6 months ago

Man next time I have a procedure (hopefully not for many years) I'm gonna ask them to put on some classical violin before I shuffle off to count the sheep.... Vivaldi & Einaudi are my faves!!

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6 months ago

I agree. I was waiting for surgery, and somehow, it was delayed. I was so hungry and had a massive headache. I got the dry heaves.

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6 months ago

Every time i listen to you i learn something new. ... Grateful

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6 months ago

Anesthesia has come a long way since the early 80s. For me the difference is night and day. I used to vomit for days. Zofran dissolving tabs are a miracle drug. So are those shots to stop nausea.

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5 months ago

Every surgery I've had, I'm always awake before they start wheeling me out of the OR. I always get the same "woah you woke up fast! comment. Yes, yes I do, and I'll also be sitting up in about 10 minutes, carrying on a normal conversation with the nurses doing the vitals. It's great.

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