Novac, a quiet town in the Mojave Wasteland, harbors more secrets than its famous dinosaur motel lets on. One of these secrets is Bruce Isaac, a former lounge singer from New Reno who fled after crossing the Bishop family—one of the most dangerous organized crime families in the post-apocalyptic world. The Bishops have a reputation for settling grudges with bullets, and Bruce's betrayal of their trust left him scrambling for safety, far away from the neon-lit streets of New Reno. In Novac, he tries to lay low, nervously awaiting a courier or hitman sent by the family to finish the job. His story is a compelling slice of the Fallout universe, showing how even the smallest characters carry the weight of the wasteland's endless power struggles.
For Emily, playing Fallout: New Vegas is normally a chance to revel in her good-natured tendencies, always choosing dialogue options that help people and lead to peaceful resolutions. However, something strange happens every time she talks to Bruce Isaac. Despite her usual kindness, Emily feels compelled to pick the threatening dialogue option, which has the player character intimidate Bruce in a hilariously over-the-top fashion, demanding that he hand over caps or face a vague, ominous punishment. It’s odd because she genuinely forgets what happens every time, as if her memory resets the moment she loads up that part of the game. When the Courier towers over the nervous singer with lines like, “I’m not here to talk, I’m here to collect,” Emily always seems surprised at how unnecessarily aggressive she’s made her character. The irony is that Bruce, shaking in fear, is completely unnecessary to intimidate, making her choice baffling.
Leroy, who has watched Emily play countless hours of New Vegas, is perpetually bewildered by her Bruce Isaac interactions. “It’s free XP!” he says, frustrated that she tanks her standing with Bruce and locks herself out of possible future questlines with the Bishops or Novac’s residents. While Emily could have earned some rewards or explored more of the New Reno connections by simply letting Bruce stay hidden, she seemingly enjoys reliving the absurdity of her mistake each time. It’s not like the Mojave lacks real enemies—powder gangers, deathclaws, and even the Legion roam the desert, begging for righteous justice. But for some reason, poor Bruce Isaac remains Emily’s inexplicable kryptonite, and Leroy can’t help but shake his head as she cheerfully sabotages herself in ways that seem antithetical to her otherwise sweet and altruistic nature.
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